There is no possibility of any more incredible plan than to reflect an Image of the Creator’s Holy Trinity Persona. Therefore, everything that has the greatest love of the Creator, abides by His Holy Trinity Image and Likeness Persona. Reflecting an image of the Creator’s Holy Trinity gives harmonious sacrificial loving blend between the members of its parts. For instance, our body consists of two genetic strands – one contributed from a mother and another from a father – the breath of life from the Creator makes a harmonious loving blend of the two strands. The body is perfectly compatible with its host and no one part of the genetic body rejects the other part. This harmonious loving relationship of a person’s living genetic flesh does not mean that the person would not be attacked by external diseases or that an organ may fail to function at a given time. If an organ fails to function, the entire body does all it can to isolate the affected area and even to sacrifice the affected organ so the body can survive without it. The surviving host still would have the living genetic code harmoniously blended. The concept of a loving harmonious sacrificial blend of the living human’s genetic flesh within their natural host is the ultimate conjugal sacrificial love design. I define it as a “conjugal sacrificial love design,” because it possesses the utmost harmony, love and willingness to sacrifice for the survivability of the remaining living host. That concept of ultimate conjugal sacrificial love design is the closest description of the Holy Trinity persona that the Creator announced in Genesis 1:27,
So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.
Therefore, we can conclude that the Creator’s Image and Likeness is the ultimate Conjugal harmonious and sacrificial unity that is always together and that is always from the one Creator. The first thing Adam described after seeing Eve was this conjugal love unity between a man and his wife that creates one body as stated in Genesis 1:23-24,
The man said: “This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called ‘woman’ for out of ‘her man’ this one has been taken.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh.
Thus, conjugal unity between a qualified man and a qualified woman is sacrificial harmonious conjugal love. Since Adam described that unity as one flesh, the conjugal blend cannot be limited to the spiritual realm. Since the Creator made the human in the physical world, the ultimate conjugal sacrificial love that reflects the Creator’s Holy Trinity must include physical properties.
Therefore, reflecting the Image of the Creator’s Holy Trinity is truly a Conjugal Love. In other words, a single man is created chaste and truly possesses a conjugal love within his/ or her virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh even if he is without a spouse. Because a living man or woman’s body is inseparably both physical and spiritual. It is a permanent sacrificial conjugal love that cannot be separated as long as he/or she lives, either now or in the afterlife. Man is free to choose to abide by the Creator or not; or he may suffer a disease at any point in his life; however, the virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh living in the host person can reflect the image and likeness of the Creator. This design is incredible so that a living person has a chance to perfectly reflect the Creator’s image in his own flesh.
As Christ explained in Mark 12:25, in the afterlife with the Creator, there is no marriage and that is logical and rightly so because a person alone is in a permanent conjugal sacrificial love even as a chaste single. Furthermore, the Creator need not ask for more children as all that would be completed. Additionally, as I will discuss further, every child of the Creator living with the Creator must abide with Christ and Christ must abide in him. All the children of God form one conjugal love unity together with the Creator. Therefore, continual rebellion against the Creator’s design and conjugal love logically deserves the Creator’s greatest punishment and anger. Because the Creator made the physical world, reflecting the image of the Creator’s Design must include both spiritual and physical elements.
Notice that when the body is forced to sacrifice an organ in order to survive a certain bacterial or viral attack, the choice is always one of conjugal sacrificial love – to sacrifice an organ for the body’s benefit. Therefore, the conjugal relationship between a qualified man and a qualified woman can be logically understood as a conjugal sacrificial love union with a permanent physical effect on the virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh each partner – just like one’s relationship with one’s own body.
Therefore, the Creator’s Holy Trinity Persona is in a state of Holy conjugal permanent inseparable sacrificial love union. That should explain the design of the union between Adam and Eve as forming “One Flesh.” Thus, the marriage relationship is a conjugal sacrificial and permanent union even when the two are in different physical locations. I concluded that conjugal sacrificial and permanent union is explained physically in the permanent alteration of a virgin Genetic segment of each qualified spouse’s sexual flesh. Thus, a marriage is a very sacrificial covenant that is little about attractions, or what the two like and dislike, and all about suffering and sacrificial love, because of the sexual relationship. Thus, any sexual relationship should not be valued by the current cultural standards and promotion of attractions and fun. Every sexual relationship is a very serious matter and the relationship (whether inappropriately formed or appropriately formed) can be classified as either as a Life-leading union or a Death-leading union. In other words, any relationship is either an image of the Creator’s Holy Trinity Person (Permanent Conjugal Sacrificial Love) or otherwise. Ultimately, the Creator’s design is for each person to reflect the Creator’s Holy Trinity whether the person is a chaste conjugal single, a chaste individual who is validly married, or a chaste conjugal who separated after the union failed.
I find that the Creator designed an ideal conjugal (marriage) love between Adam and Eve that permanently altered both of them. So both spouses became one body with the Holy Spirit. The love for the Creator’s Design is the conjugal sacrificial love between a qualified man and woman with such strong commitment that either partner should be willing to sacrifice his or her life to uphold the union at all cost. That Conjugal Love Design is a Life-leading love that the Creator designed to keep Adam, Eve and future offspring living permanently in the Garden of Eden as children of the Creator. However, that initial wedding feast the Creator designed between Adam and Eve faced a possible permanent disruption. As discussed, Eve somehow loved something else (the knowledge) more than her permanent commitment to the conjugal design that reflects the image of the Holy Trinity. Thus, Eve committed idolatry against the Creator’s Design which is adultery against the Conjugal Love.
Thereafter, Eve’s choice of disobeying the Creator’s commandment would lead to a permanent separation from Adam, as death and life do not coexist in the Garden of Eden (The Garden of life with the Creator). Permanent separation from Adam would be inconsistent with the Creator’s Design and the Creator’s wish to have children that reflect the image of the Creator’s Holy Trinity. If Adam chose not to disobey the Creator’s commandment the Creator’s design would have been defeated. As I discussed, Adam willingly saved the unprecedented situation by willingly remaining one body permanently married to Eve even when it led to labor and death. Therefore, Adam upheld the Creator’s design by sacrificing his life for it. Thus, Adam chose a second wedding with Eve, but one that was destined to lead to labor and death for Adam, Eve, and all their descendants. Even though that conjugal love commitment forced Adam to disobey the Creator’s commandment, Adam’s choice also complied with the Creator’s Design, so that choice had to be greatly favored by the Creator. In other words, Adam accepted what appears to be a marriage that led to death. I call it “Death Conjugal Love.” As you noticed, I am referring to the two issues as one was a “Life Conjugal Love” and the other was a “Death Conjugal love” due to where the marriage would lead.
In other words, Adam has been anointed high priest and king by God and he must of necessity have a victim to sacrifice. Adam must offer a victim of no mean oblation, but one of immense and priceless value. Otherwise, it would not be worthy to be offered to the Creator. Thus Adam offers himself. Every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices to the Creator as St Paul stated in Hebrews 8:3. For the Creator demands the excellence of the gift that is offered.
Now, the issue is for the Creator to bestow on Adam and Eve at least an equal gift that would satisfy the death conjugal love and restore the originally designed life conjugal love. In other words, the Creator must reward Adam for his ultimate conjugal love with at least two ultimate conjugal love gifts. Adam gifted the Creator a physical sacrifice of labor and death. Therefore, logically, the Creator should offer a gift to Adam’s that is at least equal to Adam’s physical sacrifice of self. The Creator cannot offer only a spiritual gift, but must offer a physical gift, as Adam did. Thus, the Creator in His gift exchange plan must enter the physical world of Adam, Eve, and His children. The Creator cannot gift Adam alone, but will gift Adam and Eve and their descendants. Because the conjugal love sacrificial union alters a virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh of Adam and Eve into one flesh, and because Adam and Eve are related to all human children, so the Creator’s gifts must be for all humans.
Adam’s gift involves a sacrificial conjugal love union with Eve; therefore, if the Creator would offer at least an equal gift, it must be within a sacrificial union that reflects a sacrificial conjugal love union with another human being. This is a truly an incredible issue and the highest sacrifice that the Creator would design. Since the Creator committed no sin, the option for the Creator is to perfect a conjugal sacrificial love relationship with an equally sinless person. Logically, the Creator could not create another human being for the conjugal relationship design (a human being not from the children of Adam and Eve) because we would not be able to tell whether the new human is of lesser value than Adam and Eve and their children to evaluate their conjugal sacrificial union. Thus, the only option that would at least equal the gift of Adam is a conjugal union somehow from the same sinful children of Adam, but at the same time protected from sin by the special gift exchange, which also protected against permanent death. In other words, the chosen human would resemble Adam and Eve’s state when they were first Created before they made the choice to disobey the Creator’s Commandment. That is a logical discussion that explains why the Creator must take a physical body from the descendants of Adam and Eve, but remain sinless and lead to a conjugal loving permanent union. That also necessitates the chosen mother of the Creator must be protected from sin just as Adam and Eve where first created sinless in the Garden of Eden.
Notice that the Conjugal love between Adam and Eve was physical so that any physical issue with one partner also physically affected the other partner. Adam could have chosen not to eat the food of death and that would have made Adam not guilty. Yet Eve’s action would not only have caused her death physically but would have affected Adam’s future children (carriers of Adam’s genetic); Adam’s children would not have physically existed. Likewise, the sacrifice of Adam would physically benefit Eve and the future children. Likewise, the Creator’s earthly mother who would contribute His physical persona would have benefits and sufferings that the Creator would endure during His earthly encounter. I find that concept essential to the conjugal love that leads to one flesh.