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The root of the physical chaos and harm against individuals and sovereign nations—using various obvious and subtle techniques, scams, and traps packaged and presented as desirable, appropriate, and logical needs, solutions, science, and gains—lies in manifestations of illogical spiritual reasoning. Thus, we observe intentional harm, scams, and shameless deceit with hate and degradation toward the majority of humanity. Therefore, today more than ever, we urgently need to reflect on the root causes and use extracted logical reasoning to uncover the Creator's Design so that we may discern fake from Truth, based not on "expert" opinions, but on logic.

The attack targets our logic, causing our choices to become cluttered and skewed by illogical influences that mask their illogical spiritual foundations. Consequently, such confusion leaves no one neutral; those not directly involved may still be indirectly assisting, as we are not on this Earth as spectators but are actively journeying and influencing one another in either direction.

Our choices and responses, or those of the people in charge of us during our weakest stages in life, influenced by the situations at hand and the information available that presented itself as reliable, can shape our lives in either direction—toward the Dark or the Light. Regardless of where you may find yourself at this moment—whether empowered by the logical choices leading to the Light or weighed down by the heavy consequences of Dark choices and circumstances—logic should compel you to reflect. Either continue marching forward on the path of Light in the areas where you have been fortunate to see it, or if you find yourself on the Dark path in some areas, stop, turn around, and begin walking towards the Light, even if it seems unattainable. Prioritize your time and effort logically, focusing first on the highest areas and most valuable gains, with the remaining efforts and time directed towards less harmful areas.

Therefore, while it is important to discuss and share with others, it is even more crucial not to neglect oneself and to work diligently on personal growth.

I invite you to read "What You Don't Reason May Kill You" with patience and an open heart. If you would like to refer others to read the book and prefer a site dedicated solely to it, refer them to

Some Suggestions

  • Pray Regularly: Dedicate time and effort to pray both individually and as a group.
  • Pray for Peace: In addition to your regular prayers and worship, gather as a group once a week for 30 minutes to pray for peace among nations.
  • Reflect on Your Role: Take time to contemplate the Creator's design and your unique role and talents within it.
  • Engage with Reality: Make a conscious effort to live in the present rather than being consumed by virtual reality, which can overwhelm you with unnecessary information.
  • Foster Interactions: Remember that we are meant for interactions, discussions, and the expression of our thoughts to help one another and make logical decisions.
  • Mysteries of the Body: Reflect and pray the Mysteries of the Body once a week, either alone or with a small group.

If you can assist and or contribute to our small effort, it is appreciated. If you have any suggestions, please email us.