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In The Two Wedding Feasts of Adam I looked at the issue from the Biblical perspective and concluded several interesting things. I concluded that God created Adam and to become one flesh with Eve Physically and Spiritually. This same idea is expressed as ”bones, flesh One Flesh.” Therefore, I find that Eve courageously chose with surety that Adam would make the correct choice. I concluded that Adam indeed courageously and quickly made the choice not to disobey the Creator's permanent design of one flesh. Yes, breaking the commandment was terrible, but it was worth the sacrifice rather than breaking the permanent Creator's design as Adam and Eve clearly understood.
Adam and Eve chose to lose the happy life with the Creator to live briefly on earth, to suffer, work for food, risk constant intimidation and cunning by the serpent and wild animals without the Creator’s protection or help, and then to die both spiritually and physically. Their wise and profound choice testifies that the one flesh with the wife is so profound, so permanent and so unchangeable that it must be physical level.
Therefore, I concluded Adam generously and courageously offered the ultimate sacrifice to serve labor and death - rather than disobey the Creator's design for the human sexuality of one flesh permanently - God Almighty could not possibly ignore their sacrifice without offering them at least an equal sacrifice and gift of the Creator’s self. Therefore, the Creator chose to offer Himself to serve His own punishment in an ultimate sacrifice and to rise after death so that all who obeyed God's design could also have the opportunity to rise after death and Live with the Creator as was originally desired and designed. In other words, the sacrifice of Adam to uphold the Creator's design was so worthy that God the Almighty had to offer to serve His own labor and death; then He rose up so that we have the opportunity to live with God as His children.
In the Three Wedding Feasts of Christ I concluded that the Creator appears to decide that Adam’s sacrificial gift was worth redeeming the marriage of Death. To achieve that goal, the Creator appears to have planned to perfection three Wedding Feasts into the same sacrificial Wedding Feast that appears to be bloody, flesh tearing, painful, and Holy.
I concluded that Christ’s death and resurrection on the Cross is a hidden mystery of three weddings to Israel (leads to death) to the New Eve (Virgin Mary that leads to permanent life as God designed and that is the Resurrection) and the Eucharist as a marriage feast with all of us. So I see that the Holy Eucharist is symbolized by the Virgin Mary who stands for all of us as the Church and as the Bride. So I concluded that the Holy Eucharist cannot be only Christ’s body, but must include the Virgin Mary’s as well even if it is not directly and specifically mentioned. I particularly find the explanation about the story of Adam and Eve compelling that marriage is an essential part of salvation and God’s design and Christ can only have one Bride that is the Catholic Church. The argument might also be compelling to non-Catholics as Adam and Eve’s explanation must lead to the conclusion that God has to gift at least an equal gift to Adam’s gift of self, and therefore, God had to become incarnate into human flesh and die and rise. I find that Christ expressed the Creator's Design as “Love of God” and the Creator's Commandment as “Love of your neighbor.”
Most of us live so consumed by accidentals that we lose sight of The Ultimate Goal of Life. I discuss this without excuses even though it may be hurtful or disagreeable. The purpose of the book is not to seek rationalizations, favorable opinions or friendly excuses to justify choices, but to extract truth regardless of how challenging or shocking the conclusions may be. Once the truth is uncovered and is openly and logically presented, it is up to the reader to decide whether to follow, ignore, mask, lie, or create his or her own standards. No matter how one rationalizes the untruth, no matter how compassionate the untruth may seem, it does not change into truth.
What about my situation? What about your situation? I am not discussing the best psychological rationalizations, coping mechanisms or excuses; rather I am discussing the Creator’s design. I believe it is important to learn the fullness of the truth at its depth and pass that knowledge and wisdom to the offspring as Adam and Eve did. Additionally, I believe I should do the best I can to avoid excusing past wrongful choices, and as much as possible and as soon as possible to follow the truthful path, resisting drifting as best as possible. Learning the fullness of the truth provides logical and rational reasoning about how the Creator’s design perfectly abides by ethical, fair and just values for everyone. I believe that living the truth by bones and flesh, not just by memories and fantasies, helps us to grow in comprehension and wisdom.
One clear thing to me is that the Creator’s design is timeless and unchangeable regardless of all the assistance the Creator provides to people who sincerely choose repentance and who commit absolutely and sincerely one hundred percent towards the Creator’s design and not to a modified version of the Creator’s design. There must be one logical truth that exists and if that truth is declared, it forces the declaration that all other beliefs are lacking; and therefore, other conclusions are an incomplete truth. Ignorance of the logical truth, whether it is backed by legal power or not, is never truth. Therefore, it would be arrogant and illogical to insist on a love relationship that is not in line with the Catholic faith or to threaten to leave the Church unless it widens the narrow path to include your own desires or opinion. Christ and the Virgin Mary offer themselves in an intimate and faithful everlasting relationship with each person.
There must be one logical truth that exists and if that truth is declared, it forces the declaration that all other beliefs are lacking; and therefore, other conclusions are an incomplete truth. Ignorance of the logical truth, whether it is backed by legal power or not, is never truth. Therefore, it would be arrogant and illogical to insist on a love relationship that is not in line with the Catholic faith or to threaten to leave the Church unless it widens the narrow path to include your own desires or opinion. Christ and the Virgin Mary offer themselves in an intimate and faithful everlasting relationship with each person.
There should not be anything or any relationship that is worth losing our intimacy with Christ and His mother who are essential for everyone and especially more so for those with any earthly relationship. Christ and His Holy Mother desire you to have a relationship on earth if you so desire, but they want you to have the holy relationship that you deserve. Christ knows your heart and the heart of the person in your relationship and knows future events; therefore, first there must be no idol above our Heavenly Father. We should be glad that Christ left us the authority of the Church to help us remain on the narrow path. Christ entrusted the Church with the Keys and whatever binds or loosens on earth will be likewise in Heaven. If the Church gave a person an annulment of a previous marriage(s) or relationships, then I believe that the Church has that authority and wisdom entrusted by Christ to make such decisions. Therefore, consult a priest about your life and make the prescribed amends to keep your feet on the narrow path. Please note that all my Biblical evidence will be taken from the American Standard Bible. I leave it up to the reader to search their favorite Bible version, but all should be compatible.
Keeping all that in mind, then let us begin.