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This book is about knowing God's majestic design so that we have the will to think like our Father. The book is about stretching our mind so that we could predict how our actions, choices, and responses should be aligned with the Creator. The book is written to encourage us to see the world through the eyes and mind of our Heavenly Father. It is an exercise to be able to discern the TRUTH in most matters or dogmas, because we live the Creator's design. Most of all, the book is about an intimacy with God the Father by becoming aware of His design. The chapters are discussions that show how the Creator's design is fulfilled in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. If you are not an active Catholic or if you have doubts about the Catholic Church, then I hope the discussions will give you something to ponder. The discussion is a Spiritual exercise that seeks to befriend with the LORD, not based on the LORD's commandments and fear of punishment, but on the LORD's permanent design. Therefore, I embrace the Creator's design to live by and as I embrace life itself. I exist to be the son of my Father; otherwise, I am living as only a shadow without the pulse of life.

I am writing this book mainly as a reflection for me. I write my reflection on the issues to try to grasp the Creator’s wisdom. Therefore, I am not writing as a teacher, but as a learner. I reflect on Divine thoughts too far beyond my humble comprehension. In my learning and discussion, I reflect on how my heart and mind would learn. I often repeat and frequently go back, searching for a glimpse at the depth of truth to compel me to apply it into my life in the hope that the principles may shape me. Those who reach a point of letting Christ take control of their life become hungry to have a deeper friendship with the LORD and to get to know the depths of His heart and thoughts. Then we understand and enjoy God's deeper thoughts as liberating and not constricting and as life-giving and not discouraging. I have come to accept all events in my life that have led me to realize my weaknesses and to do something about them while my earthly life has not stopped.

I use logic, faith, and gradual unfolding of reasoning in the hope to encourage a deeper way to ponder the truth and to serve as a spiritual exercise. Following a set of moral rules is hard and I failed that route repeatedly. Following a set of rules without being convinced of the Creator's designed wisdom behind them is next to impossible, especially when others in your life do not share the rules. I am less motivated to follow rules just because God said them and I fear the punishment. Rather, I would prefer logic, faith, and reasoning for the ideal principles so my commitment in following the ideals becomes what the Creator designed for me. This style works for me in that the rational and convincing truth I follow does not depend on others or particular situations, except to serve as various exercises I am fortunate to encounter to practice and express who I am. Therefore, I hope the ideal truth becomes ingrained in me, while God is not forcing it on me. Therefore, I would hope the truth would form me into who I am truly meant to be. Our sinfulness and need of the Creator's mercy is shared alike; thus we ought to assist one another on this journey. Once I conform to the Creator's truth, it takes root, grows, and bears fruit when I strive to express the desire of God and the image and likeness that I ought to express.

Since we are created in the image of God and after the likeness of the Creator, we have within us the design of truth of God even though we are constantly tempted by Satan. Thus, everyone is obligated to seek that truth sincerely with unhardened heart and to unveil truth and abide by it. Persistently disobeying the truth, even partially, could permanently lead to various degrees of heresy, schism, or apostasy and could ultimately lead to permanent damnation and permanent separation from the Creator, which is death. If you are honestly a seeker of the truth, then I assure you that likewise, I am fully committed to seek the Truth. And I assure you that a much greater seeker of the truth is the Fatherly figure of the one Family as we will further discuss. In my interactions with my brothers and sisters and meditating on Scripture, I noticed that those with erroneous beliefs do not further investigate dogma even when their error is pointed out to them; their pride or other means stand in their way.

I found it very difficult to help anyone understand the fullness of truth by discussing various scriptural passages. Rather than throwing scriptural verses here and there, I am discussing the Creator's design which is revealed as one bonded family. Then when that design becomes cemented and more obvious, I would hope it would guide truth seekers to examine whether every dogma they believe in agrees with the Creator’s design or not. Dogmas that do not agree with the Creator's design of the one holy bonded family, should be seriously questioned with sincere prayers and unhardened heart. I hope that you continue to read the reflection on this discussion which has helped me in my spiritual reflections and scriptural understanding.

St. Paul encourages us not to become lazy in seeking the depth of knowing the LORD, “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Ephesians 5: 14). Because, to know someone by their deep thoughts and to be known to him/or her wholly is to become friends as Christ calls us to be, “No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.” (John 15: 15). Anyone who seeks to become a loving friend and son of the LORD should become a serious active lifelong student in thoughts, will, and expression, “Therefore, do not continue in ignorance, but try to understand what is the will of the LORD.” (Ephesians 5:17).

I do not condemn anyone’s choices, as I am the first to be condemned. I am seeking to reflect on the Creator’s laws and to try to abide by them at all cost. That does not excuse me of wrongful choices, but exposes my sinfulness and my daily struggle to honor the Creator’s design. I continue to struggle and make mistakes, but I am at peace and resting in Christ’s mercy. Please note that all my Biblical references will be taken from the American Standard Revised Bible. I leave it up to the reader to use their favorite Bible version, but most should be compatible. 

Keeping all that in mind, let us begin.