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The possibility that not only the original parents but also others may have disobeyed and are awaiting final death is a critical consideration. However, we can conclude, based on the integral rules of wisdom, justice, ethics, and fairness, that any original offenders must have the freedom to choose and respond freely and at a level similar to or higher than the original human, in order to fully understand the consequences of their choices and to be justly judged by the Creator, who abides by the ultimate sense of Justice, Fairness, Ethics, and Wisdom.
Nevertheless, instantaneous death as a result of disobedience followed by capital death is neither necessary nor logical. Just as a branch cut from its source of a burning, eternally fueled tree is expected to remain lit but gradually decrease as long as it remains detached from the source of eternal life (eternal fueled burning source), so too is the gradual decline in spiritual vitality a just and wise mechanism. This mechanism serves to distinctly separate eternal life from all else and to justly warrant the offering of homage, worship, and sacrifice to the Creator of eternal life, drawing us back, desiring the bond to the source of life so we might taste our gradual deprivation and losses when detached, which ultimately would lead to permanent death.
This reflection and understanding should logically help us to evaluate everything—desires, rewards, and valued gains—in order to justly, fairly, and wisely assign each its due and deserving value, rather than falling victim to manipulation, opinions, views, and faiths that fail the test of logical scrutiny and reason. Furthermore, the length of time it takes to reach death can vary for anyone who has disobeyed the Creator, with a gradual deterioration leading to the final verdict of either permanent death or a reunion with eternal life, governed by the principles of justice in both reward and punishment.
This framework underscores the critical importance of maintaining a clear and consistent connection to the Creator's design, emphasizing the profound implications of our choices and their alignment with divine justice. It highlights the essential role of freedom in the cosmic order, ensuring that each individual's destiny is a reflection of their own choices, shaped by divine laws that are both fair and designed to encourage a return to righteousness and eternal connection.
Therefore, even if there are beings at or higher in wisdom and free choice, if they have disobeyed and are awaiting their final death—even if they possess much greater power than us, live much longer than us, or could offer us promises of great power, gain, desires, and wealth—they could never be able to offer eternal life by their nature as long as they are not abiding by and inseparably bonded with the Creator, the source of eternal life. Thus, the power and authority to grant eternal life can only come from its source, the Creator, yet it can be enjoyed and shared by anyone who abides by and clings to it, to receive and enjoy it.
Therefore, even beings that may appear to us as alive, vibrant, and more powerful than humans, or who can live many more years than humans, as long as their teachings, opinions, views, and claims contradict our expected relationship concerning the Creator and our siblings, they would not be able to overcome death to enjoy eternal life. Consequently, we should carefully and logically examine our pursuits to achieve goals, wealth, achievements, habits, views, and opinions, rather than abiding by anything that leads to eternal death and eternal loss.
This caution underscores the importance of discerning the true source of life and the authenticity of the claims made by any being or ideology that promises life beyond what is typically experienced. It challenges us to maintain a vigilant and critical stance towards all claims, especially those that seem to offer shortcuts to immortality or exceptional power, reminding us that true eternal life is a function of our relationship with the Creator and adherence to His principles, not merely the result of earthly power or knowledge.
Therefore, we would anticipate that certain created beings at or above our human level in consciousness, understanding, and wisdom would be fully accountable for their free choices and responses. If they disobey, they are likely to live much longer periods awaiting their ultimate death. Thus, our conclusion leads us to caution those who pursue mere living life goals and refuse to abide by the Creator's Design requirements to inherit and remain in eternal life. Our eyes and sensations can deceive us and others regarding the value and purpose of gains as mere vainglory, unwise, useless, wasteful, destructive, illogical, ultimately foolish, hateful, disrespectful, dishonorable, and unimportant—serving as dangling carrots leading to eternal death.
Those addicted to power, wealth, and fame may try and desire to eliminate what they consider their greatest human enemies or achievements, yet they fail to defeat the true greatest enemy, which is permanent death. Thus, all the power and might of any creature or higher created being are nullified by permanent death. Defeating eternal death can only be achieved by the Creator of eternal life, which underscores it as the greatest treasure and compels the wisest to seek it. The poorest sibling, weakest and most frail, who ends up being awarded the gift of eternal life, would become mightier and wealthier than an entire family of kings or the wealthiest that have ever existed.
Furthermore, the prerequisites required in the Creator's Design are expected to include conditions, expectations, and rules not only governing our relationship with the Creator but also the relationships among siblings. These are expected to promote justice and peace to help underscore the incredible value of the eternal life treasure that eclipses all other values, concepts, and rewards.
What values might cause any creature to disobey the Creator? It appears to be choices and responses aimed at stealing, robbing, and claiming the treasure of Eternal Life independently and separately from the Creator. However, possessing the highest treasure of eternal life independently from the Creator of Life and Eternal Life is impossible. Because life, by its nature and essence, cannot exist indefinitely regardless of how hard one tries to separate from and not abide by the Creator, the source of eternal life. Therefore, no matter how much water is drawn from the river, which is the source of eternal water, the drawn-away water can never by itself grant eternal water. In the absence of rain, eventually, the drawn-away water would evaporate completely or dry out if not replenished from the river, the eternal source of water. Thus, any choice or response aimed at destroying the source of eternal life or stealing eternal life to exist separately is futile. Therefore, it is impossible for any creature, whether human or a higher being, to exist eternally and separately from the eternal Creator.
Nevertheless, the existence of multiple characteristics within the One Creator and source of Eternal Life is feasible as long as they are integral parts of the One eternal Creator. For example, if we use Light to describe the Creator, the characteristics would be warmth, light, and radiation, all of which are one essence and nature of the Creator, the source of eternal life. Thus, although others can feel, use, and enjoy the warmth of the light even when the light is not visible—as is the case at night—the warmth is a characteristic of the essence of the One eternal source of warmth, which is the One eternal Light. However, individually and separately, they manifest only in their desired effects, either as radiation, warmth, or light, but in essence, all remain eternally part of the One eternal Light and source of life. Likewise, the human essence, which includes my thoughts, body, and the borrowed life within me. While my thoughts can be transcribed in a book and exist in one continent and my body may be buried in another, my thoughts, body, and the life within me remain with me while I am alive, either temporarily or permanently, after I am gifted eternal life to remain abiding and bonded to the eternal Creator, the source of Life.
Furthermore, a royal family, regardless of their wealth and might, can only reproduce offspring who carry on their tradition but are unable to grant themselves or their descendants eternal life, and eventually, they die. The existence of offspring in a royal family is not proof that the original kingly parent possessed and granted the ability of eternal life to the offspring, themselves, or anyone else. Reproduction is not a sign of empowerment and authority over eternal life but is only limited and destined to reach death, requiring other conditions to be available even when the royal family's descendants number in the thousands. If a severe catastrophe such as a fire, famine, earthquake, or war were to kill all the royal family or cause sterilization leading to their demise, and if eternal life is not granted to them by the Creator of life, then their death is permanent. This reflection helps us realize that the real treasure is eternal life.
Created beings that are designed to make conscious choices and responses likewise have a higher ability to judge in order to make informed choices. Similarly, we expect the Creator to be the ultimate Judge, abiding by the highest standards of justice, fairness, wisdom, and equality to render the best final decree. Therefore, although we judge, we are expected to give higher weight and honor to the Creator's judgment above all, and also to those judgments that are based on higher levels of logical reasoning and observed evidence. Assigning a corrupt judge to perform the task, leaning decisions to favor those offering them temporal life rewards or threats, is unjust, unfair, unethical, and unwise, favoring certain siblings over others not based on merit but on favoritism, injustice, unethical behavior, manipulation, and illogical reasoning. Regardless, all judgments rendered during life, despite their level of justice or injustice, cannot overcome death, permanent death, or the eternal life offered by the Creator. Nevertheless, earthly judgments are choices and responses that are expected to be part of the Creator's considerations, impacting the relationship among siblings and toward the Creator. For example, earthly laws that punish and prevent certain siblings from peacefully discussing opinions, views, and evidence that may suppress truth and affect one's ability to choose and follow the Creator's logical path, or judgments that prevent certain siblings from offering due homage, worship, and appropriate sacrifices to the Creator, would affect aspects that may alter their relationship with their siblings and the Creator and those encountered in their path.
Similarly, the case for animals, birds, plants, and other creatures is that they are empowered by the original design to live or exist. Yet, if left alone and detached from the Creator's source of eternal Life, they can indeed reproduce offspring, but eventually, these offspring will also die, lacking the eternal life source. Thus, recreation or reproducing from an inherited will likely reproduce the inherited embodied eternal death by its nature. Animals, plants, and other species that lack a level of consciousness equal to or higher than humans, and the freedom of choice and response, reach death and permanent death not necessarily due to disobedience and punishment. When reflecting on observed evidence, we notice that animals, plants, and other lower creatures are created to sustain their own lives, which will ultimately result in eternal death. This underscores the importance of understanding our unique role and the profound implications of our choices and their alignment with or deviation from the Creator’s design.