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The unfolding of the Creator's Design employs logic and clear evidence, illustrating the ultimate disobedience of one parent placed side by side with the second parent's choice to disobey through a sacrificial love offering. This act was meant to uphold the Creator's desire and demand to maintain the marriage and gift faithful children—a decision that may not have been fully comprehended by the Creator until faced with the reality of the Capital Death punishment due to disobedience, entwined with the overwhelming sacrificial gift of ultimate love. This choice involved choosing death and the loss of eternal life to honor, offer homage, and sacrifice to the Creator, actions that must have profoundly impacted the Creator and prompted the unprecedented decision to serve alongside the sibling the Capital Death punishment, sharing in the ultimate treasure of the Creator’s eternal life, even after the temporary sharing of death.

Therefore, although the Creator holds the titles of an eternal ultimate Authority, Power, King, Ruler, and Judge, this reflection suggests that the Creator’s essence shares similarities with human experiences—embodying roles akin to the ultimate Friend, Father, Parent, Teacher, and even Spousal figure, displaying a plan unfolding with utmost love. Moreover, the characteristic design for a single original parent is, in itself, not merely wise but a manifestation of ultimate love. Magically, regardless of the millennia that separate generations or the vast population of the world, everyone is a sibling to one another. This realization compels those who understand and reflect on the matter to abide by characteristics of peace, love, and justice towards one another at all stages of life, whether we are at our strongest or weakest, as a tribute to our shared original Parent, shared One Creator, and shared ultimate desire to gain eternal life.

Furthermore, all such human desires and duties towards our Sibling, shared original parent, and same Creator should have remained consistent even if no original disobedience had entered the scenario and all enjoyed eternal life. Therefore, it is a logical observation that the Creator’s design inherently displays ultimate love, justice, and wisdom. Nevertheless, the introduction of capital punishment surely changed, altered, confused, and affected sibling choices. However, the opposite of the dominant creation characterized by Ultimate Love, Justice, Ethics, Fairness, and Wisdom is not logically asserted as an integral part of the design, but rather introduced, established, and entered into the situation through the freedom of choice and response that are essential characteristics of the creation design.

Thus, any opinion, view, or faith asserting that we are originally designed to commit atrocious acts, to deceive, steal, hate, rob, abuse, and kill our siblings conflicts with our original wise design that abides by fairness, justice, and ethics at their highest levels.

Our reflections suggest that the more choices and responses we make or are convinced by others to value—particularly those that produce desirable sensations—the more we become numbed and habituated to their effects on ourselves. This habituation can alter, affect, modify, and manipulate our opinions, views, logic, perceived important values, and consequent choices and responses. Therefore, given our conclusion about the characteristics of fairness, justice, and wisdom in the Creator's Design, siblings need to closely examine, re-examine, and be open to abandoning opinions, views, beliefs, or faiths that have been adopted or made their way into our beliefs while they lack logic, contradict justice, fairness, and wisdom, and fail to place the most essential goal for everyone: to overcome death and win eternal life while abiding by the preconditions that affect our relationship with our siblings and the rightly due homage, worship, and sacrifice to the Creator to maintain an order of the values of treasures between eternal life and all other living life rewards.

While pursuing any reward, desire, like, need, thought, or habit by itself does not overcome death or create eternal life, if pursued for their treasure merits, values, and gains, they can alter our choices and the values we place on the eternal life treasure. Due to justice and ethics, these choices compel the Creator not to gift those siblings eternal life as a result of their free and persistent choices and responses, which demand and earn either the ultimate reward of eternal life or the opposite, which is death. When reflecting on the potential judgment result, the Creator's gift of life is characterized by eternal life; therefore, withholding that treasure naturally results in an ultimate death, because it lacks life.

In other words, to gift light from the source of eternal light, by default and due to the essence of the gift of eternal life, the gift of light becomes eternal as long as it depends on and draws its light from the eternal source. Conversely, not gifting light from the source of eternal light results, by default, in darkness, and logically in ultimate eternal darkness, as it is deprived of the source or the source of eternal light.

Thus, the logical conclusion is that opinions, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and faiths that argue everyone, regardless of their persistent choices, is guaranteed to receive the gift of eternal life are contrary to justice. This ensures that the system of rewards and consequences aligns with the principles of justice, fairness, and wisdom, reflecting the integrity of the Creator’s design and upholding the value of eternal life as a treasured and conditional gift.

Please keep in mind that obedience to any rules by themselves does not overcome death and gain eternal life without being empowered and dependent on the Creator fulfilling the promise of eternal life and being connected to that source of eternal life. In other words, lighting any light on its own will eventually die out when it is absent and deprived of the source of eternal light. However, a light that is lit from the source of eternal light and remains compliant and abides by that source of eternal light before it is distinguished will remain eternally lit. Our reflection leads us to understand that a light which was originally lit from the eternal light, when totally removed and walked independently away from the source of the eternal light, does not necessarily extinguish instantly, but rather remains lit and gradually gets extinguished. This is observed when we light a fire but remove it away and make it independent from feeding it fuel from the original eternal light, but we can be assured that eventually, it would be depleted and dies out.

This can help us explain in our reflection why the first parent when disobeyed did not die instantly. Our reflection and noting of observed evidence indicates that the original parent, lit from their source of light, became separated from the Creator's eternal light—other lights, meaning offspring, just as when we break off a small lit log that was part of an eternal source of fire we can light a small branch and use the lit branch once it is strongly lit to light other small branches, but we expect that the original broken-off log would eventually die out, and likewise, the lit small branches if not used to light new branches. However, no matter how many small or subsequent branches are lit, eventually, everyone would die out as they are away from the source of the tree that is lit eternally.

This offers a logical explanation based on observed evidence in nature and in our life on earth ending in death. Furthermore, lighting other logs and the desire for every log to remain lit is an essential characteristic as we observe even when lighting a branch it fights and desires to remain lit and gasps desperately to remain lit as long as possible. Therefore, a lit log gasps and desperately desires to rejoin the eternal source of light (and eternal source of fuel). From our observation, regardless of how large or small the lit branches separated from the eternal source of fueled light by and on themselves cannot achieve the desire to be lit eternally, no matter how hard they try.

However, the lit or even branches whose light died out, even though knowing they are weak and limited, yet when abiding, empowered, and awarded the eternal fueled light will definitely light eternally as long as they remain eternally connected and abide by the source of eternal fueled light. This explains that siblings who may make contrary choices disobeying the Creator's Design can gain eternal life if rejoined back to the source of eternal fueled light, although they have got distracted and busied themselves with living life goals and addicted offenses. However, any branch that insists on not abiding by the Creator, depicted in concentrating on achieving light independently, would result eventually in total and permanent darkness and permanent death to its light, as justice demands it for abandoning the highest treasure, which is the source of the eternal fueled light. It is logical if one desires eternal light must do and abide by the requirements to be granted fuel and light from the eternal light and remain abiding by it to remain permanently lit.