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Many religious arguments have been stretched to justify personal choices with one group accusing the others of doing the rationalizing and so forth. We read stories in the Bible of prophets and kings divorcing and committing adultery, but that should not divert us into thinking the act is permissible and justifiable, no matter who committed it and what recorded consequence they reaped during the living life. This point is very clear from a religious perspective that the Creator is the only and the ultimate and final judge of everyone. Final and inescapable judgment must take place mainly after death. With that said; the negative choices that oppose the Creator’s timeless and permanent design should not distract us nor entice us to follow such an example in the hope we will get free passes to live with the Creator for eternity after our death. Some may get a free pass for some reason or another that the Creator may find justifiable, but I doubt the existence of many free passes, because the Creator abides by ethical, fair and just values at the highest level to everyone.
However, I and no one else should or can judge anyone else, as no one knows the heart or the past and future choices of anyone as perfectly and accurately as the Creator, who designed life, holds the copyright to it and therefore, would be the one to judge at His timing, place and scale. I judge choices only according to whether they comply with the Creator’s design at the time I evaluate them. I never judge whether the individual will win or lose the Ultimate Goal of Life after death. Fornication or adultery is completely against the Creator’s design no matter who commits it.
No matter what excuses or rationales a person uses to justify fornication or adultery, it is an act against science and logic. Some may find a religious passage that seems to justify fornication or adultery for any reason or excuse or situation, but that should never be an example for anyone to follow, because it does not change the fact that fornication or adultery represents an action against ethical, fair and just values and logical principles. In other words, we are privileged to live for a short time and then we die. What differentiates one from another is not the circumstances, inherited or achieved characteristics or qualities, but living life choices and responses that each makes every moment for our dependants and ourselves especially. We have no control over our offspring’s Genetic flesh that each inherits from the biological parents or over the time of our death. I believe the best is to aim at the center of the Truth leaving room for errors rather than aiming at the furthest edge of the truth and hoping you get the best of both the living life goals and the ultimate goal of life.
In religions and secularism, sexual relationships represent the most discussed and influential choices in people’s lives; and therefore, the utmost care must be taken in every choice and response a person makes that has an impact on sexuality. It should be obvious to everyone that because sexuality influences most aspects of life it should not be the subject of the lightest and least considered choices, but the highest above most other choices. Furthermore, any improvements a person seeks to accomplish in their character or choices likewise must start in this area as soon as possible.
I draw your attention again to Genesis: 2: 18 and the unfolding design of the Creator, “I will make a suitable partner for him.” That draws my attention to the question, why does Adam need a suitable partner? I find the answer in verses 23 and 24, as Adam excitedly exclaimed,
This one, at last, is bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh …. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh.
That is a most profound statement; Adam had just met Eve for the first time, which somewhat resembles the first date in today’s customs. On the first date, before even hearing a single word from your date, do you say what Adam said, and if not, then why not!? Reread and notice again the profound statement of Adam that predicts with surety and one hundred percent permanence what the future offspring will do for their future spouse, “This one, at last …. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife.” Adam’s statement positively affirmed, assured, taught and clarified to all generations that the relationship is a permanent sexual bond affirmed and described by, “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh … clings to his wife. . .and the two of them become one flesh.”
Adam, as the father of creation, is teaching a most profound and important lesson that is closely linked to the Creator’s design for life. However, is anyone listening or paying attention? I explained how Adam precisely used each word to clarify a profound meaning to teach and explain to the offspring the Creator’s design in an unmistakable and undeniable manner abiding by the nonverbal law of the Creator for every person at any time and culture. The lesson was honestly presented from a loving and caring father to every generation, without excuses or rationalization, for the best of every person of Adam’s offspring including you and I.
The first sexual relationship blends and permanently changes the virgin Genetic flesh into the spousal one flesh. Christ denounced divorce citing and referring to the Creator’s design saying, “It was not so at the beginning.” Christ commanded and reminded the people of the Creator’s timeless design as profoundly taught and explained by Adam in Mark 10: 2-12,
The Pharisees approached and asked, “Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?” They were testing him. He said to them in reply, “What did Moses command you?” They replied, Moses permitted him to write a bill of divorce and dismiss her.” But Jesus told them, “Because of the hardness of your hearts he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female, and the two shall become one flesh.’ Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” In the house the disciples again questioned him about this. He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”
Let us read and examine that profound teaching with new eyes and heart, seeking truth regardless of our previous choices or favorite opinions. The profound teaching of the Messiah summarized the puzzle of the Creator’s timeless design. The Messiah immediately agreed with nothing the people had said but acknowledged how vital and important the question was. The Messiah asked what Moses had commanded them. I find that strikes to the important principle that the answer would be timeless; as it was thousands of years before, it would continue now and in the future. It is a timeless commandment, because it is made by the Timeless Creator and is essential to the Creator’s timeless design. It also implies that if Moses commanded, then you should have understood and obeyed; therefore, you would not need to question or ask about the truth. The truth is timeless regardless of who teaches it, whether it is Moses or the Messiah or past or present.
The people replied that, “Permitted him to write a bill of divorce and dismiss her.” The people’s answer indicated what typical people would do to stretch the part of the truth that they view as possible to manipulate, and so they focused on separation or divorce. Likewise, the serpent in his conversation with Eve subtly rephrased the truth hoping to confuse it and manipulate it. Likewise, people who manipulate and deceive others or themselves to commit fornication or adultery would do so to the point of confusing the truth itself.
The Messiah redirected the people to help them see how they misinterpreted Moses’ truth because their hearts desired excuses and rationalizations. Divorce and separation are not a commandment or justification to commit fornication or adultery or to create a new one flesh. The Messiah was teaching the people that Moses appealed to the emotions and heart to illustrate the unfair, unjust, unethical and unwise effects of fornication or adultery and remarriage on the one flesh of each of the spouses and the offspring. The Messiah summarized to them that their stubborn hardened hearts had manipulated the truth when they chose to interpret what Moses commanded. Likewise, people continue to do today what they did during the time of Moses – the blind lead the blind.
After the Messiah prepared the people for the most important message so that they would not continue to manipulate the truth to justify their hardened hearts’ desire, he repeated the same Creator’s timeless design as it was before and would continue to be regardless of past or present. The Messiah illustrated this timeless design by drawing the people’s attention not only to thousands of years ago at the time of Moses, but also to the earliest moment at the time of Adam and Eve. The Messiah clarified that the design does not belong to Moses or anyone else, but was made and authored by the Creator God since the beginning of creation and for eternity. The Messiah clearly stated that, “God made them male and female, and the two shall become one flesh.
The Messiah continued with a serious warning, because it has to do with the Creator’s timeless design and the mission of the Messiah himself. The Messiah was teaching that if the Creator had not designed the one flesh between a man and woman to be physical and permanent, then the serpent would not have come to Adam and Eve to try to break the permanent unity of one flesh. Adam and Eve would not have made the ultimate sacrifice to choose labor and death. Similarly, the Creator would not have to forgive by restoring the opportunity to win the life with the Creator after death. In other words, the Messiah is repeating that the man and woman are permanently and physically designed as one flesh, because it is an essential timeless part of the Creator’s timeless design. The Messiah therefore warned against rationalizing the untruth, excusing the untruth, manipulating the untruth or disobeying the truth by any human being any time stating it clearly, “Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” It cannot be any clearer than that.
However, the sex addiction disease is clearly rampant. It was able to manipulate people and find new forms; it became more resistant to the Creator’s medicinal treatments. The disciples themselves tried to look for any possibility of exceptions to the Creator’s timeless design. Just as in the past, so it continues today. For every truth, people jump to look for exceptions and if they can find even the slightest and smallest possibility of anexception, then they begin to expand the tiny exception into what their hardened hearts originally desired.
Therefore, after the Messiah’s disciples had time to think about any possible flimsy exception, they asked again whether the most painful, undeniable, unmistakable crime of adultery committed against the innocent spouse would be an exception because living together thereafter would be undeniably not only intolerable but impossible.
The Messiah provided an answer. I am aware that many people over the ages struggled with the answer to the point of studying the original language or words in Greek, or Hebrew or Aramaic − digging tirelessly to find an exception to build upon and reach what their hardened hearts desire. However, those people, although sincere, fail to see that any exception would directly make the Creator’s timeless design crumble beginning with the reasons Adam and Eve chose labor and death to the puzzle that the Messiah perfectly fulfilled. Indeed, an exception makes the one flesh of the Creator’s design illogical and a lie. There would be nothing physically believable anymore; an exception would deny that the water in Cana became wine, deny that the bread and wine become the flesh and blood, deny that Adam and Eve chose labor and death, deny that circumcision was ever a good medicine and deny that the Ten Commandments command against adultery and fornication or adultery. Finally, in that harshness, the labor, death and resurrection of the Messiah become unnecessary. If you find any of my words hard or offensive, you begin to understand how hard and offensive it is for the Creator to watch people he created attempt to manipulate his own timeless design.
The Messiah answered the honest, pertinent and sincere question the disciples asked about any possible exception to the painful adultery against the innocent spouse, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” In other words, the Messiah is not bringing anything new that was not already designed by the Creator. I find in the Messiah’s answer acknowledgment of the possible divorce or separation of the one flesh, especially for the unbearable pain of adultery. Moses acknowledged possible divorce as well. The Creator acknowledged that as well in his timeless design, that directly contradicts adultery; everyone can understand it in the nonverbal communication of the Creator and in the Ten Commandments. Separation, or as others call it divorce, implies physical separation until the one thousand and one issues and excuses that either spouse believes intolerable are resolved. If they are not resolved, the separation continues indefinitely.
The first of the Ten Commandments calls everyone, single, married, old, young, divorced or separated, to honor the Creator, worship him and abide by his design. Therefore, whether married or temporarily or indefinitely separated, our most important goal is to worship, honor and abide by the Creator’s design. Any single, separated or divorced person can be devoted to the opportunity live for a brief time to worship the Creator in spite of the addictive sexual diseases that have infiltrated our lives. Separated or divorced, one flesh can also perhaps nonverbally use their lives from a distance to help the separated one flesh to find ways either to come back together or to win life with the Creator after living ceased.
However, more important than saving or condemning others, is the need to help ourselves. As the Messiah stated to the adulterer in John chapter 8 verse 11, “Go, and from now on do not sin anymore.” Remember, the opportunity to win life with the Creator is not for others only, but should be primarily for ourselves. While the Messiah acknowledged the pain of adultery that may result in divorce or separation, He continued to point to the Creator’s timeless design that even divorce or separation do not add or subtract anything from the one flesh.
In fact, the Messiah is teaching the same original point in clarifying and teaching the opposite point. The Messiah is beautifully stating if adultery is acceptable, then remarriage is acceptable and likewise any form of fornication or adultery is acceptable. Can you see the wisdom of the Creator’s timeless design? If remarriage is not adultery, then if one spouse commits adultery, the other can easily remarry and adultery would not have that painful effect on anyone from any culture or religious background. Likewise, the clause in the Ten Commandments that adultery and fornication or adultery are terrible becomes false.
Do you think that the big difference between fornication or adultery committed by single, married, divorced, separated individuals is only the wedding ceremony and not the union of the bone, flesh and the two of them to become one flesh? If that is true then all Adam needed to do was let Eve inherit labor and death and ask the Creator for another organ transplant to make a more beautiful, younger Eve. Or do you really think that Adam was so unintelligent and that the Creator made him so silly that he would go for forbidden fruit and begin thousands of years of inherited assured labor and death for himself and the entire offspring of humanity? Or do you think Adam mistakenly expressed the one flesh, not knowing that the Creator who created everything can create dozens of those pretty one flesh if Adam just let Eve suffer independently?
Do not be deceived, the truth is timeless. The Messiah explained that if a divorced spouse (a man or a woman) remarries, the spouse commits adultery and that points to what the Creator commanded in the Ten Commandments. The key point is that while married, before marriage or during the short or permanent separation (called divorce), fornication or adultery is against the Creator. The crucial reason remains that the first sexual relation permanently changes the man and woman to form one flesh and as I call on the spousal one flesh. The most crucial point is not to be distracted by accidentals during life; seek all the medicinal help the Creator made for us to help combat the contagious powerful disease of sexual addiction and to focus primarily on winning life with the Creator after this privileged brief life reaches assured death.
People oscillate from one recycled sexual relation to another which confesses and testifies that people are stronger and wiser than the Creator to design their own purpose for their sexual relation. Furthermore, fornication or adultery testifies that the Creator made a mistake in his assertion of one flesh, because it is easily broken by anyone. However, everyone, even those who twist the Creator’s design to excuse their opinions and preferences, hold true that the Creator cannot lie. Therefore, since everyone can testify logically that the Creator cannot lie, that means the one flesh design is on the Genetic flesh which no man could ever break apart. People can separate the obvious bodies of the sexual partners. They can spiritually ask forgiveness and separate from previous sexual partners. People can separate physically by desertion or divorce from their sexual partners and start anew; but absolutely and timelessly, they cannot separate what the Creator designed and asserted so profoundly as the one flesh, which can only refer to the permanently altered virgin Genetic segment of the spousal one flesh. Because, you can separate from the spouse, commit adultery, get a divorce paper or anything you wish; but clearly you will never ever be able to undo the permanent physically formed and spousal one flesh. If Christ’s teaching or Adam’s teaching was referring only to a spiritual union, or signing a contract, or verbal promise they would not have explained it so assuredly, visually, repeatedly and profoundly; but rather they would have included clauses and exceptions. Adam had no clauses or exceptions at all. Christ had no clauses or exceptions at all.
Some would hastily point to the pain of adultery. Any form of fornication or adultery is the most lethal and unethical form of betrayal and deception a spouse can commit against the Creator’s design, the innocent spouse and offspring. However, logic indicates that if the sexual relationship is not limited to a contract on paper or verbal promise; likewise, divorce cannot be made and be recognized on papers or by words alone.
No matter how many legal adoption papers one has, the offspring’s Genetic flesh of the biological parents can never be altered; the same is true of the first sexual relationship between a man and a woman. The man and woman whose Genetic flesh were blended in the sperm and the egg produce the child and are the permanent biological parents of the child. No court or human judge can genetically separate the offspring’s Genetic flesh of the child. The offspring’s Genetic flesh of the child becomes physically one flesh. Likewise, the husband and wife become one flesh bone and flesh, head and body, physically and permanently blended genetically on a segment of their spousal one flesh.
People look for clauses in the Bible to try to justify or ratify that, which is unjustifiable, unratifiable and impossible for any human. Humans cannot undo the design of the Creator. The parents generates new offspring’s Genetic flesh that never existed before, nonverbally transfers the Creator’s design to generations and creates the one flesh so that an offspring becomes one flesh and the valid husband and wife become one flesh physically, permanently, genetically and in both flesh and bone.
What about all the possible scenarios talked about in courts and on talk shows that try desperately to twist Adam’s clear, direct and unquestionable teaching and to numb the creator’s nonverbal copyright design by twisting logic, using pseudoscience, altering truth and using any of the one thousand and one rationalizations and excuses? No matter how many believe the untruth, no matter how passionate the untruth maybe, no matter how easy the untruth can be, no matter how educated the sources maybe, no matter how manipulating the deceptions are, the untruth will not change into truth, simply because Truth abides by absolute ethical, fair and just values.
I find many people play the game of looking in the Bible for possible vague verses that may be twisted or connected to other unrelated verses to manipulate the truth for the hardened heart trying to justify fornication or adultery or excuse remarriages. On the contrary, I find overwhelming logical, scientific and religious clues and proof that the first sexual relationship between a man and a woman permanently forms one flesh physically, on the Genetic spousal one flesh. A husband and wife can certainly separate for any justifiable and unresolved reasons for as long as required to overcome their obstacles and return peacefully and in harmony; or in cases of unresolved issues and concerns, a husband and wife can remain separate. However, they must definitely remain sexually faithful and free from fornication or adultery to honor and comply with the copyright design the Creator authorized and taught. They must continue to help and strengthen each other in this short journey of life, but perhaps from a distance and nonverbally. Those who encourage, promote, support or rationalize fornication or adultery, even if they do not commit fornication or adultery themselves, run a great risk of misleading others. Fornication or adultery whether permitted by law, rationalized by society, practiced legally or in hiding, remains the same; fornication or adultery is against the Creator’s design.
I reflected on the simple, clear, logical and theological explanation of the Creator’s design for the sexual relationship between a man and a wife. Even before seeing his first offspring, Adam understood that his actions and words were teaching a profound living example not only to his first offspring, but also to the entire generation of offspring. It brings a chill to my spine knowing how interconnected and closely related human beings are to one another regardless of time, place and language. No matter what the one thousand and one excuses and rationales, nothing could ever justify or excuse dishonoring the Creator’s design that was unmistakably, simply, justly, fairly and ethically taught to everyone nonverbally and verbally by Adam using bones, flesh and Genetic to explain the Creator’s design of one flesh.
What price that is worth committing fornication or adultery? Is it a ride in a fancy car, deceiving flirting words, a nice meal at a restaurant, a house with a swimming pool, unfading beauty or gaining residence in another land?! fornication or adultery committers decided on their price, but after the person’s death the Creator alone fairly, justly and at a time and place of His choosing will judge and decide the Sacred Reward or the Ultimate Death. The moment our offspring’s Genetic flesh forms, we are privileged to have the opportunity to exist for a brief time and then we die. Does anyone logically believe that he or she will have eternity or a free pass to win the ultimate goal of life while dishonoring and violating the Creator’s design for life?!