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Have you lately read or reflected on the Ten Commandments? They were not written to be placed in museums, but to be placed in the heart of every human being to guide them on the way to the Creator and help them win the ultimate goal of life. I believe the Creator must have written the design of life in the heart of every human being. Therefore, the design of life is passed to the offspring within the Genetic flesh − the moment our Genetic flesh forms we exist and have the opportunity to win the ultimate goal of life− winning life with the Creator after living ceased. Therefore, I believe the Ten Commandments are written and transmitted nonverbally within the Genetic of every human being regardless of their religious affiliation. The Creator’s design abides perfectly with the highest standards of ethical, fair and just universal core values of goodness shared by every person at every time in history. Therefore, the written Ten Commandments are further timeless assistance and guidance for every person passionately seeking the ultimate goal of life.
The Creator did not waste any time communicating the design of life; the Creator started with the first conversation Adam had about Eve in Genesis chapter 2 and continued shortly thereafter in Exodus. Let us look at these passages with fresh new eyes and heart. Exodus 20: 2-18 states,

I, the LORD, am your God, whom brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. You shall not have other gods besides me. You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth; You shall not bow down before them or worship them. For I the LORD, your God, am a jealous God, inflicting punishment for their fathers’ wickedness on the children of those who hate me, down to the third and fourth generation; but bestowing mercy down to the thousandth generation, on the children of those who love me and keep my commandments. You shall not take the name of the LORD, your God in vain. For the LORD will not leave unpunished him who takes his name in vain. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day. Six days you may labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. No work maybe done then either by you, or your son or daughter, or your male or female slave, or your beast, or the alien who live with you. In six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, of the sea and all that is in them; but on the seventh day he rested, That is why the LORD has blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Honor your father and your mother in the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you. You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male or female slave, nor his ox or ass, nor anything else that belongs to him. When the people witnesses the thunder and lightning, the trumpet blast and the mountain smoking, they all feared and trembled. So they took up a position much farther away.

The first part of the commandments are repeated in Exodus chapter 34 and repeated again in Deuteronomy 5: 6-21. I find that repetition of the Commandments provides evidence of their importance. As people drifted away from the Ten Commandments, the Creator repeatedly sought to redirect them from being consumed by accidentals to seeking the true design of life and achieving the ultimate goal of life. The Creator is not playing favorites, rather is further impressing and expressing the design of life in many different ways both verbally and nonverbally (as in the Genetic flesh and the universal core values of ethical, fair and just).
Additionally, the Creator expressed the universal Core Values by providing a living and constant reminder in the form of the offspring. As discussed in the Two Wedding Feasts of Adam, the vivid living example of “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” can be interpreted as meaning that the obvious flesh that is seen in the offspring reflects and mirrors the deeper and more a hidden Genetic segment alteration that formed the internal spousal one flesh. In other words, the first sexual relationship transforms the breaking of the Genetic virgin flesh into the spousal one flesh just as it transforms the “two of them into one body.”
In the Ten Commandments, we see that the Creator took more of a commanding teaching style since now every person has witnessed the design of life – it was communicated, reflected and demonstrated in their own offspring or other people’s offspring. Certainly, the people had observed the consequences experienced by those who disobeyed the design of life and engaged in fornication or adultery and divorce. Therefore, the Creator teaches with a much tougher tone. In other words, in spite of all the best teaching methodology the Creator demonstrated, people were drifting away from the design for life, so the teaching methods added firmer warnings.
The first part of the commandments clearly established without a doubt the strength of the Creator. The Creator demands worship of nothing but the Creator, because the LORD is more powerful and wiser than anything seen or unseen. This is a call to desire the Creator’s design, above any temptation, no matter what − sex, money, beauty, wealth, power and possessions.
The Creator reminds His people that His power, punishments and mercy extend thousands of generations beyond any individual’s life expectancy. In Exodus 20: 18 we read that our ancestors who witnessed the appearance of the Creator had a taste of the strength of the Creator “they all feared and trembled.”
Now, imagine our ancestors who witnessed that encounter with the Creator and we all realize that the moment our offspring’s Genetic body forms, we are privileged to have the opportunity to exist for a brief time and then we die. The moment our offspring’s Genetic body forms, we inherit assured death − we wait to stand in front of the Creator to be judged. Regardless of the person’s belief, philosophy or religious background, the Creator would judge everyone equally, fairly and ethically based on the individual’s choices and whether they complied with or disobeyed the Creator’s design. At every moment, the experiences of our lives disappear into the past and take with them all the joy and sadness we had, leaving us with memories and fantasies. The present becomes what we have. We have minimal prediction of the time of our death. Every moment we make choices for our dependants and for ourselves that move us either closer to or farther away from winning the design for life.
In the first part of the Ten Commandments, the Creator set Himself as the Creator of all and the Ultimate Judge of everyone at the time and place of His design. Therefore, the first set of the Ten Commandments demand the people to obey and respect the design of the Creator that is communicated to everyone verbally and nonverbally in unmistakable teaching methods. So let us get ready for the ultimate judgment day.
I find the second set of the Ten Commandments goes right into the design for the sexual relationship by commanding everyone to “Honor your father and your mother.” I believe the offspring must learn to honor their father and mother from the parents’ teaching example. A spouse who engages in fornication or adultery demonstrates the worst dishonoring living and teaching example ever possible to demonstrate and teach the offspring. A betraying spouse teaches that the betraying parent found someone else’s Genetic body superior to the offspring’s Genetic body makeup. The betraying spouse cites and rationalizes excuses that collectively I call one thousand and one psychological rationalizations and excuses. The one thousand and one excuses, choices, responses and rationalizations may help us cope, but can also cause immediate or delayed addictive, harmful and negative consequences that may become too challenging to overcome or even recognize.
Honoring one's family is the only way one can show appreciation and gratitude to the inherited Genetic flesh that gives life and makes the Genetic body of a person. Exodus 20: 12 commands, “Honor your father and your mother” as an obligation and a duty because of the gift of the Genetic body that mysteriously blended the partners together to form the spousal sexual body.
It would be an oxymoron for the betraying spouse to demonstrate how to honor the parent by betraying the innocent spouse for someone else who is believed to have superior honoring and deserving qualities, positions and inheritance. The child learns from the betraying parent how to betray his or her future family. Furthermore, the offspring learns that the purpose of marriage is to cheat, deceive and betray one’s own family.
Honoring is not simply a word or a onetime recitation, but a lifelong living and breathing example. The Commandment to “Honor your father and your mother” represents clear evidence that the Creator designed the sexual relationship between a man and a woman to remain faithful and to provide a permanent living and teaching example of the design of life to the offspring. Choices of fornication or adultery and remarriage represent an attempt by the betraying spouse to testify and teach the offspring by example about the existence of multiple Creators with multiple designs of life valuing one human being as superior to the spouse and superior to the unity of “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh ….. and the two of them become one flesh.” fornication or adultery and remarriage show lack of respect for or fear of the Creator’s first part of the Ten Commandments by disobeying the Creator’s design and commandments and further disobeying the commandment to honor one’s parents. Fornication or adultery and remarriage teach this lack of respect to the offspring verbally and by example.
Sexuality and the Genetic flesh give and receive birth and the beginning of life. Sexual intercourse transfers the Genetic flesh of the parents to the offspring, offering them the privileged opportunity to win the ultimate goal of life − living with the Creator after living ceased. Therefore, I concluded that The ultimate goal of life is closely linked to our sexuality and the Genetic flesh whether we are single or married. I find clear evidence to that in the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20: 13-17 directly and indirectly command against fornication or adultery, divorce and remarriage.
I find the commandment in verse 13, “You shall not kill” to indirectly prohibit fornication or adultery and remarriage. Historical evidence and current societal evidence acknowledges that fornication or adultery can trigger a raging anger in the innocent spouse, the guilty spouse or a competing lover. A competing love may try to clear the way for their fornication or adultery by killing a spouse or the children; an innocent spouse may commit suicide under the pressure of betrayal of a spouse. The betraying spouse may convince themselves or others that someone else is wealthier, younger, healthier, prettier, a better manipulator and clever deceiver who is better able to provide advantageous living life qualities that are superior to the Creator’s design for the spouses.
We frequently read evidence that the so-called lovers, boyfriends, girlfriends, stepfathers and stepmothers kill or abuse the children. I emphasize that while current society uses the terms “mother, father, family or parent” to manipulate us to believe that stepfathers, stepmothers, stepfamilies and stepparents imply a legitimate part of their titles and roles, the truth remains they are not the Creator’s design for a family nor are they caused by a natural disaster. Instead, most are caused by personal choices in rebellion against the Creator’s design.
The commandment “You shall not kill” also implies that a person shall not anger others or themselves to commit the criminal act of killing. Killing is a grievous choice specifically against the Creator’s role as the ultimate judge of every human being at the Creator’s time, place and manner. Killing of self or others for any reason (when someone is not directly and inescapably equally threatened) is the same as a human administering the ultimate judgment at the human’s time, date, place and manner of choosing. This elevates the human judge to the level of the Creator, and therefore can never abide by the Sacred Core Value.
Not every killing is traced to or triggered by fornication or adultery, but many are. The commandment indicates that no one must play the role of the ultimate judge by dictating the time, place and severity of another human being’s death for any reason, with the possible exception of limited situations of self-defense as the only and last available option.
The pain of fornication or adultery could create an overwhelming stress and depression that could easily trigger an early death of the innocent spouse or the children. No one could predict the short or long-term impact of fornication or adultery on the innocent spouse or children and certainly an early death may be one of the consequences. The innocent spouse often describes betrayal as the most severe form of pain the betraying spouse inflicted on them and the family. I could clearly see the commandment against killing not only indirectly, but even directly protects against fornication or adultery and the design of life “and the two of them become one flesh” or as I call it the spousal one flesh.
Exodus 20: 14 states, “You shall not commit adultery.” I find this commandment not only commands the people oppose fornication or adultery one hundred percent, but also indicates that doing so is for the best of the people’s interest. It indicates the opposite action carries serious negative consequences, including disobedience to the Creator’s design. This commandment without a doubt supports the previous commandments that call to obey and respect the Creator’s design and to resist obeying any other force, temptation, creature or reward above the Creator’s design, including sexual temptation, money, power, beauty, wealth or any possessions, qualities or inheritance. Remember that the Creator is the one design; the Creator possesses and creates all inheritance, people and qualities. Adultery is an extremely grievous offense against the Creator who stated in verse 5 “For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God.” fornication or adultery is certainly a loud confession by the doers that their choices and plans carry superior advantages and desires over the design of the Creator.
Adultery directly teaches the worst and most tragic example of how children must learn to honor their parents and their future spouses. The offspring learns by observing that the betraying parent verbally and nonverbally implied that their cheating and deceiving lovers must have superior qualities and advantages worthier than the offspring’s Genetic flesh and that the betrayal outweighs the disadvantages and negative consequences. The betraying parent may cite any of the one thousand and one excuses and rationales that prompted them to betray and commit the adultery. Such rationalizations may include thoughts that the lover is wealthier, younger, prettier, sexier, more charming, richer, taller, skinnier, a more subtle deceiver, owner of a house or possession that the betraying parent found advantageous compared to the possessions or qualities of the innocent parent who contributed the Genetic to the offspring. The betraying parent and the lovers have made choices that are in direct opposition to and that challenge the Creator’s design and commandments.
The commandment against adultery reflects directly back to the first conversation between the Creator, Adam and Eve as stated in Genesis 2: 22-25,

Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh …. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh……..The man and his wife both naked, yet they felt no shame.

Committing adultery rewrites the design of life in a corrupt, unfair, unequal and unethical manner. Adultery states, rewrites and confesses verbally, nonverbally, in the open or in hiding that, the design of the Creator for the sexual relationship between a man and a woman has changed and has been replaced in the following manner:
I am a bone of any lover changing from one to another depending on the circumstances and my flesh is one flesh with any lover depending on how I feel at a certain moment in time and place. The reason I leave my spouse for a lover varies from one day to another depending on the offers I get, how I feel, how I am influenced or what I desire. You can call any of my lovers and me boyfriend and girlfriend, flirt partners, sexually attracted couple or friends. You can call my lover and me roommates, teammates, life lovers, experimenters, non-traditionalists or liberals. You can call what I do dating, goofing around, just having fun or looking for the perfect and most compatible lover (based on my list of criteria and qualities) or looking for someone I can get along with better than any of the previous lovers I have had. You can call me someone who realizes that life is short and who knows that a missed opportunity is totally lost − someone who lives for the day, loves himself and life.
Certainly, adultery represents a choice contradictory to the Creator’s design and the Creator’s commandments and contradictory to honoring one’s parents. Adultery is based on unfair, unequal, unethical, unwise and chaotic choices and results in unfair, unequal, unethical, unwise and chaotic teaching examples for the children.
Exodus verse 15 states, “You shall not steal.” That commandment includes a commandment forbidding adultery, because adultery steals resources (such as emotion, time, energy, wealth, or knowledge) from a betrayed spouse or from the family. Adultery can easily lead to breaking the family apart and depriving the offspring of vital resources − a form of stealing, robbing and betraying the offspring’s right to at least half of their Genetic flesh contributors. Adultery steals the right for a family to have security, love, attachment and stability and shares such vital rights with strangers, outsiders, deceivers, liars, cheaters, Addict sex hunters, financial predators, traitors and betrayers to the offspring’s innocent parent who contributed Genetic flesh.
Adultery can lead to a court battle that subjects one parent, who maybe the innocent parent, to merciless judges and envious lawyers who provide their opinions about how the offspring, wealth and other resources should be divided, resulting in stealing essential resources from the offspring. Adultery can steal the most vital developmental years of the offspring and prevent the offspring from experiencing the Creator’s design for the family. The most severe consequences of adultery directly or indirectly cause a stumbling block for the offspring and the innocent spouse that could result in unwise choices and potential loss of the ultimate goal of life. The offspring affected by the adultery learn that the purpose of life is to get ahead and gain advantages during life, which is a form of stealing from the innocent spouse and the offspring.
Even if the marriage does not have offspring, the actual sexual relationship carries the potential of creating offspring and equally inflicts injuries. Therefore, adultery is a form of thievery committed against one’s own innocent spouse, offspring and the Creator’s design. Exodus: 20: 16 states, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” When someone commits adultery, they bear false witness against sexual faithfulness and honoring of the offspring’s Genetic flesh. Committing adultery testifies falsely that another person’s inheritance or qualities and possessions are definitely superior to the Creator’s design of “the two of them become one body.” The person who entices, manipulates and bribes a spouse in exchange for sexual gratification is falsely testifying directly and indirectly that any negative consequences of the adultery that may affect the betraying spouse or the offspring will be completely supported and taken care of by the deceiving adulterer. Such false witness deceives and entices their prey for sex in exchange for a value. It hides, denies and lies about the risks: exposing the family to sexually transmitted illnesses, hardship for the innocent spouse and possible permanent disturbance of the offspring’s present or future life and choices. Addict sex hunters lure and entice a spouse to commit adultery and falsely hide the fact that they will soon hunt for another addict sex prey who better qualifies to satisfy their fantasies and sexual addiction. Luring and manipulating anyone, whether the person is married or single, with long-term offers and promises is nothing more than loudly providing false witnesses against one’s neighbor whether the promises include love, wealth, faithfulness, respect, honor, freedom from sexually transmitted illnesses today and at any future date, raising or building a family and abiding by the Creator’s design. I clearly understand that fornication or adultery, whether any of the individuals involved is single or married, with offspring or not, directly and indirectly violates the commandment, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” and everyone of the previous commandments and especially violates the Creator’s design.
The last one or two commandments, depending whether you view them as one or two separate commandments, state, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male or female slave, nor his ox or ass, nor anything else that belongs to him.” The commandment clearly warns against committing fornication or adultery and against the desire to possess or have what your neighbor has whether a spouse, unmarried daughter, unmarried son, female, male or anything else the neighbor has. The commandment warns against breaking or envying the neighbor’s family and any member of the neighbor’s family. A neighbor, whether married or single, has hopes, plans and choices on how to live with a family or alone and on how to achieve and teach current or future offspring, either verbally or by example, and has hopes, plans and choices for his or her plan to achieve the Creator’s Ultimate Goal of Life. The neighbor’s living life choices and living life responses will determine whether the neighbor achieves the ultimate goal of life regardless of whether the neighbor recognizes the Creator’s design for life. As I discussed the Creator’s design impacts every human being at any time verbally and nonverbally.
The creator’s universal values of ethical, fair and just is basically the Ten Commandments even before they were first spoken by the Creator; since the Creation of the first human being they were communicated nonverbally within what I refer to as the Genetic flesh. Therefore, according to the last commandments, I believe that anyone who makes choices, particularly intentional choices, that could either directly or indirectly negatively influence or disrupt the neighbor’s plans, choices and responses, is a direct hindrance and obstacle for the neighbor and the neighbor’s family (and the person causing the hardship), in direct opposition to the Creator’s plan. I believe sexual choices carry the most profound consequences of any other choices since sexuality has the inherited potential of creating another human being. I believe sexual choices are closely associated with winning or losing the Ultimate Goal of Life whether a person is single or married. Therefore, the last commandments warn especially against committing fornication or adultery against a neighbor and anyone connected to the neighbor, either single or married, and either male or female.
When I reviewed and studied the Ten Commandments with a fresh heart and mind, I realized that they are the universal core values. I realized the Ten Commandments abide by ethical, fair and just principles designed to help a person follow an action plan that assists a person to win the ultimate goal of life – living with the Creator after death. I also realized that because of their importance and the need to be fair to every human being (regardless of age, reading ability, hearing, strength or any communication barriers), the Ten Commandments must be communicated verbally as well nonverbally within the Genetic of every human being, from the moment the offspring’s Genetic flesh forms. I realized that the Ten Commandments could be summarized as seeking life with the Creator above anything else and obedience to the Creator’s design, which abides by ethical, fair and just values to everyone.
Abiding by the Creator’s design is closely linked to our choices and responses during life, especially the choices and responses related to sexuality. I find the Creator’s design for sexuality is summarized in what Adam verbalized in Genesis chapter 2, “Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh… and the two of them become one flesh.” This does not mean every person must marry; to the contrary, a single person and the unmarried offspring each perfectly reflects the offspring’s Genetic flesh that is visually obvious to the naked eye. They exemplify “flesh of my flesh”; they are a verbal testimonial by a living breathing flesh to the magnificent design of the Creator.
The offspring’s Genetic flesh is explained and taught with the best living and breathing example of the deeper and less obvious element of the virgin Genetic flesh. Only after the first sexual relationship can a man and a woman experience the permanent alteration to their virgin Genetic segment of the spousal one flesh. This alteration is expressed in “bone of my bone,” a passage that implies a less obvious result than “flesh of my flesh” but a result that is equal in importance. The result is the ultimate and most magnificent formation of “a suitable partner” who is harmonious in every aspect all the way to the Genetic flesh level.
The spousal one flesh is further described verbally and profoundly in Genesis chapter 2 as “that is why a man leaves his father and mother.” This passage has a deeper implication in the sense that the offspring, with his offspring’s Genetic flesh inherited from the biological parents, takes on a new Genetic role that I call the spousal one flesh. I find this new role expressed in Genesis chapter 2 as “and clings to his wife” where now the word wife implies the man and woman after they had a sexual relationship. Furthermore, the mystery of the altered virgin Genetic segment to form the spousal one flesh unfolds in a profound expression and description when stating, “and the two of them become one flesh.”
Amazing, I realize now that all the clues and logical evidence that I presented in my previous books, took the Creator and Adam a couple of sentences of explanation in the most beautiful and fascinating example of the best teaching ever possible to achieve. Furthermore, Adam’s teaching of the offspring and the agreement of the Creator is a thousand times post PhD level not because of its difficulty, but because of its simplicity that is often missed or overlooked. The beauty of message follows further by stating, “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame.” The sexual relationship changed their role from Genetic flesh of an unmarried man or woman to a man and wife or a husband and wife – a married couple who leave the inherited Genetic flesh of their father and mother and “clings to his wife.”
To those who raise their eyebrows and question the scientific basis of completely changing the offspring’s Genetic flesh to a new spousal one flesh, I say no, not in that understanding and also no, not merely spiritually. The Genetic flesh inherited from the father and mother creates the person’s shape, hands, feet, eyes, blood, organs, skin, mind and bones that remain with the person permanently. The virgin Genetic segment of the spouse altered to form the spousal one flesh, on the other hand, is not required to create a new set of legs, hands, eyes or any body organ; these organs already exist and must continue harmoniously uninterrupted without destruction as evidenced by the biological parents’ unity. Likewise, I believe that an offspring who has not yet engaged in sexual activity must also possess in their virgin Genetic segment a specific element that reflects their unpolluted Genetic flesh. I believe that part of the virgin Genetic flesh that reflects that a person is single, is altered permanently during the first sexual relationship between a man and a woman to become the spousal one flesh, representing a perfect harmonious suitability and compatibility or as I find in Genesis 2: 18, “make a suitable partner.” 
Therefore, I believe and argued in my previous books that the spousal one flesh alters permanently that part of the virgin Genetic segment inherited from the parents, to the new and profound status of “suitable partner.” This new status is expressed physically and is evident to the naked eye as “flesh of my flesh.” Likewise this new status is clearly reflected in the offspring who not only reflects the obvious externally but also internally in the deeper and less obvious Genetic as expressed by, “bone of my bones.” That also directly implies almost in likewise manner an internal alteration of a specific important part of the Genetic flesh that I call an alteration from virgin Genetic segment to a new reflection of the two that I call the spousal one flesh. This new reflection expresses directly and unmistakably the physical change on the Genetic level of the partners as in “and the two of them become one flesh.” Yes and yes, on the Genetic level, the two of them have been altered; the specific virgin Genetic flesh part has become spousal one flesh and the partners have become harmonious as described in “suitable partner” and also “one flesh.” Now they are called, “the man and his wife,” referring to permanently becoming married or becoming husband and wife. Furthermore, these passages illustrate that since the two become one physically on the Genetic sexual flesh the two become one body married, naked and feeling no shame of self as illustrated by, “the man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame.”
Therefore, the Ten Commandments are communicated verbally and are also communicated nonverbally within the Genetic flesh to every human being from the moment the offspring’s Genetic flesh forms directs, mandates and commands every person single or married, in any place or time, to obey, honor and respect the Creator’s design for life. I find precisely that sexual integrity and all its aspects and those related to it, all relate or lead directly or indirectly to prohibition against fornication or adultery.
No matter how one rationalizes the untruth, no matter how compassionate the untruth may seem, it does not change into truth. What would constitute a magnificent enough price for the betraying spouse to seek in exchange for dishonoring, betraying, deceiving and cheating his or her own family? Would the price of sweet flirting words be worth enough to betray a spouse and offspring? Would the nice meals the sex hunter uses to entice the prey be worth enough to betray a spouse and offspring? Would a ride in the sex hunter's fancy automobile be worth enough to betray a spouse and offspring? Would a show of wealth, such as owning a large home with swimming pool, be worth enough to betray a spouse and offspring? Would the fantasies the prey wants to experience be worth enough to betray a spouse and offspring? Would the money the sex hunter makes be worth enough to betray a spouse and offspring? Would the excitement and fantasy of a new partner and the glamour of adultery be worth enough to betray a spouse and offspring? Would the prey's pride that rationalizes fornication or adultery as exciting and challenging be worth enough to betray a spouse, offspring or neighbor?