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The Creator draws any of the creatures, especially those who possess the freedom of choice and response, because the Creator embodies the essence of freedom of choice and the capacity to choose justly and lovingly. Love rejoices when a person abides by justice and goodness, and it rejoices even more profoundly when wrongs are corrected, disobedience is transformed into obedience, death turns into life, or darkness into light. Therefore, we anticipate that the Creator delights in turning nothing into something, darkness into light, inert matter into living creatures, and beings without the capacity for logical, wise, just, and ethical choice into beings capable of making sacrificial, honoring choices—essentially, turning limited life into eternal life that is abiding and connected to the Creator.
Those who take time to reflect and transform their lives from injustice to justice, from hatred toward others to love toward siblings and the eternal Creator, from worshiping false deities to honoring the true Creator, from disobedience to obedience, and from being drawn to permanent death to being drawn to eternal life, align themselves more closely with the Creator’s design. However, making choices and responses that align with the Creator's conditions by themselves do not overcome permanent death but rather align one more closely with the Creator’s design who holds the final just judgment. In other words, children of a king cannot authorize their inheritance of the kingdom; the final decision rests in the hands of the just king, but their observed choices and responses can influence his decision. A child who acts ruthlessly and hatefully towards their siblings, contradicting the king’s essence of peace, would likely be disfavored by the king and possibly deemed untrustworthy to inherit the kingdom.
Our choices and responses either draw us toward eternal life or eternal death, as life seeks life and death seeks death. Those drawn toward gaining power and wealth often align with others who use violence, bribery, theft, tricks, scams, and murder to establish earthly rules that benefit themselves at the expense of others. On the other hand, those drawn toward abiding by the Creator’s Design are often sought out by like-minded individuals eager to learn from them, discuss their journey’s struggles and challenges, and cooperate in offering proper homage, worship, and appropriate sacrifices to the Creator. However, all humans are siblings of the original parents, but their choices and responses can lead one group to view the other as enemies or threats to the values they treasure most highly. Thus, by its very nature, those who recognize the greatest treasure as winning eternal life seek to help one another as siblings, reflecting on various rewards to make choices aligned with the Creator.
However, the opposing side, fueled by a rage of anger and resentment against the eternal Creator for not wanting to award them eternal life regardless of their choices, may manifest this anger towards siblings they perceive as enemies. Nonetheless, either side may become abusive and violent toward the other, which is condemned, as all are in actuality siblings, requiring mutual compassion, understanding, and respect. If the Creator designed humans with the capacity for free choice, opinions, thoughts, faith, and responses, it is harmful to counteract this essential characteristic of our being through threats and violence, especially against our own siblings.
Although freedom of choice and response is inherently good and deserving of expression, there are significant differences in how these freedoms manifest. Typically, those opposing the Creator's Design do not initially present their intentions as a call to death and destruction, especially when they are in a position of weakness. Instead, they often cloak their motives under various guises such as liberation, equality, or other rationalizations to gain support, asserting that their path is victorious and valuable. Therefore, we can expect death to be portrayed not as eternal but as a lesser form of life, while eternal life is aware that any life detached from the Creator's source of eternal life will inevitably end. To maintain this connection, one must adhere to the essence of justice, wisdom, and ethics toward siblings and the Creator, governed by free choice and response, making the decision to follow the Creator's Design both logical and worthy of love.
The defining characteristics of those who follow the Creator’s Design are not marked by a pursuit of living life gains at all costs or by disadvantaging others through theft, scams, deceit, bribery, unjust laws, or laws that favor the elite. Instead, they pursue living life goals as expressions of their divine design, not as treasures themselves, but as manifestations of wisdom in handling them. This reflects a majestic conscious design that honors the Creator by producing moving music, maintaining beautiful worship spaces, keeping environments clean, promoting just and fair legal systems, logical education, and loving, faithful relationships. These expressions strive for the good, justice, peace, and joy of all siblings, governed by honesty regardless of compensation.
Conversely, those drawn toward eternal death often chase living life goals with a focus on achieving these aims through harmful means such as killing, cheating, bribing, lying, scamming, poisoning, manipulating, hiding the truth, accusing the innocent, destroying siblings, abusing the weak, legalizing theft and violent acts, and worshiping their own egos. They view others as disposable obstacles to be overcome. Thus, not all faiths are equal, even if they use the same terminology such as "One Creator" or "Eternal Life." The differences between these beliefs are stark and lead either to eternal life or eternal death.
Therefore, reflecting on logic and observed evidence, and critically examining claims, are crucial to making the most important choice in one's life. Freedom to choose and discuss these matters is essential on this significant journey, as every individual must navigate their path thoughtfully and conscientially.
Similarities exist between a faith validated by logic and observed evidence—which grants its followers the chance to attain eternal life—and other faiths that might seem similar but falter in logic, ethical standards, justice, and evidence-based practices. True faith not only fosters peaceful and loving relationships among siblings but also ensures every individual’s freedom to choose, discuss, and share thoughts without fear of retribution. This freedom is crucial, especially for those in vulnerable stages of life, like the young or frail, who rely on others to make decisions on their behalf. This is akin to nurturing a newly lit branch that is frail and susceptible to being extinguished.
Take, for example, a genetically modified seed that has been injected with toxins; it may look like a natural seed and its fruit might fill the stomach similarly, but it can gradually poison those who consume it. In contrast, those who consume and cultivate natural seeds receive nourishment for their body, mind, and spirit, fostering a healthier, more vital existence. Ultimately, it is the Creator who judges and decides who receives the gift of eternal life. While neither genetically altered nor natural fruits can independently prevent earthly death or confer eternal life, those who choose natural options live with a legitimate hope and a heightened certainty. They believe that their choice to consume life-giving, unmodified fruits aligns with divine justice, drawing them closer to eternal life—a verdict ultimately left to the Creator's profound discretion.
Moreover, adhering to the Creator’s preconditions before the fulfillment of His promise might appear similar to celebrating the moon’s presence with hourly songs and chants in anticipation of the sun’s rise. Post-fulfillment, although adherents might continue their hourly celebrations, the context shifts significantly. The arrival of the sun, with its bright light and life-giving warmth, transforms their celebration from one of hopeful anticipation under the dim moonlight to one of joyous freedom in the sun’s empowering daylight. This bright sunlight not only makes the path clear but also reveals the vivid colors and emotional states of those around, enhancing one’s appreciation of the world, the Creator’s magnificence, and our connections with our siblings.
Such clarity encourages a greater understanding and responsiveness to the non-verbal cues of pain, joy, or distress in others, thus fostering a more empathetic and supportive community. It compels us to assist rather than exploit those who are poor, frail, or suffering, contrasting sharply with behaviors driven by the darker pursuits of scamming, robbing, or abusing others. In this way, living in the light of truth and love significantly differs from merely waiting in the shadows, as it actively enriches our interactions and fulfills the Creator’s design for a just and compassionate world.
Reflecting on the diversity of choices and responses available to us, it becomes clear that adherence to the Creator’s Design is not inherently meritorious in overcoming death and achieving eternal life. Perfection may be unattainable for humans, but this does not imply that all, regardless of their actions, are entitled to eternal life; such a notion would contravene the principles of justice and devalue the profound treasure of eternal life. Those who engage in robbing, abusing, enslaving, stealing, murdering, envying, and hating their siblings align themselves with chaos, disorder, and hate, which starkly oppose the essence of both the Creator and humanity.
However, central to the principle of love, which we expect to be paramount for the Creator, there must exist provisions for forgiveness. The freedom to change one’s path at any point in life—whether to embrace or reject the Creator’s Design, or to repent from a previous path—underscores the importance of choice. Thus, any doctrine that advocates for the extermination of individuals based on their past non-adherence to the Creator’s Design at any life stage starkly contradicts this principle of choice and redemption, and such judgment should rightly remain with the Creator.
Justice also necessitates that individuals have the right to defend themselves against aggression and threats to their life and liberty, especially when such threats stem from opposition to the Creator’s Design. Those who have fallen prey to anti-Creator ideologies often seek to monopolize power and control over essential resources like justice, air, food, water, and shelter, aiming to enforce their dominance through unhealthy and restrictive practices. Such actions, if unchallenged, could severely hinder one’s ability to comply with the Creator’s Design, potentially leading to depression and despair.
The provision of basic necessities is vital. Those in positions of authority or trust—from the moment of our conception—have the responsibility to nurture and protect us, much like safeguarding a flickering flame from being extinguished. This includes ensuring access to clean air, preventing physical harm, and shielding us from environmental hazards. Conversely, actions that contradict these basic necessities, such as poisoning or otherwise endangering our natural means of sustenance, do not merely fail to extend our life potential but can actively shorten it.
Moreover, the initiatives that genuinely support and protect life’s potential duration and contribute to the attainment of eternal life post-earthly existence are among the most valuable. These measures align with the Creator’s Design and are accessible to everyone, regardless of technological advancement, gender, expertise, or wealth, reflecting the inherent justice of Creation. Measures that foster peace among siblings, promote healthy living environments, ensure fair and equitable justice, and facilitate open reflection on and adherence to the Creator’s Design are paramount. They influence our ability to achieve the ultimate treasure—eternal life—even though no action alone can guarantee an extension beyond the predetermined span of earthly existence or secure eternal life independently.
Therefore, it is crucial that those tasked with disseminating knowledge of the Creator’s Design, and those in authority managing our basic life needs, execute their responsibilities with the utmost integrity and fidelity. Misguided or malicious measures that manipulate, distract, degrade, or restrict individuals' ability to pursue eternal life in accordance with the Creator’s Design represent the most severe threats to both our temporal and eternal well-being. Thus, ensuring open, honest, and loving discourse among siblings and maintaining the integrity of our pursuit of the Creator’s Design is essential for fostering a just and fulfilling existence.
Moreover, all pledges and assurances from the Creator to the Sibling, intended to endure, must inherently connect to the concept of eternal life, where genuine and perpetual benefits can be realized. Temporal advantages, even those passed down to descendants, do not constitute true eternal promises, as their benefit ceases with the demise of those enjoying them. True eternal promises are intricately linked to the Creator, the source of eternal life. For instance, owning a farm only grants pleasure during one's lifetime and perhaps to subsequent generations, but numerous variables—such as mortality without heirs, familial disputes, or external calamities—can disrupt this continuity. Moreover, choices that diverge from or directly oppose the Creator's eternal design render one ineligible for eternal rewards, aligning with the principles of justice.
Additionally, those faithful to the Creator's design, upon receiving the gift of eternal life, form a unique cohort distinct from those who attain eternal death, despite sharing earthly lineage. Hence, the perpetuity of any promise is dependent on its severance from eternal life's source for its unending enjoyment.
Furthermore, it is imperative to actively challenge and counteract decisions that contravene the Creator's Design, using peaceful methods such as dialogue, sharing perspectives, and legal frameworks, while reserving force as a last resort for survival. Recognizing and addressing deviations from the Creator's Design at their inception—when they are most vulnerable to nonviolent resolution—is crucial. Delay or failure to peacefully confront and illuminate these anti-Creator stances not only perpetuates harm but can escalate to violent conflicts or oppression, diminishing opportunities for correction and repentance.
Electing leaders who embody and enact the Creator's Design and uphold universal justice is crucial, as failing to do so participates in the potential harm these leaders could inflict on the community. Those privileged with understanding the Creator's Design bear the responsibility to actively oppose injustice and disseminate superior reasoning to aid their siblings in making informed choices. Silence and passivity, in this context, represent a choice to overlook injustice and withhold valuable insights from those in need.
Lastly, the pursuit of eternal death by some, driven by destructive inclinations towards pride, greed, and vainglory, must not be passively tolerated. The ambitions of such individuals, if unopposed, aim at the annihilation of all opposing forces and the suppression of any manifestation of good that could lead to eternal life and societal justice. It is both necessary and just to actively resist such abuses to preserve the integrity of the community and the potential for eternal life among all siblings.
Human life is a treasure; thus, safeguard it—yours and others'.