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The Creator appears to decide that Adam’s sacrificial gift was worth redeeming the marriage of Death. To achieve that goal, the Creator appears to have planned to perfection three Wedding Feasts into the same sacrificial Wedding Feast that appears to be bloody, flesh tearing, painful, and Holy. The first Wedding Feast was authorized by the Jewish high priests who were established to marry the people of Israel. Jesus came to Israel and abided by the Jewish law of circumcision and the family ancestry. That ancestry had kings, adulterers, and polygamous marriage practices as illustrated by King David. Those practices break God’s Design and result in a marriage that leads to death. The Bride in that marriage is Israel and the marriage is officiated by no other than the High priest of the old priesthood; that marriage ended in the sacrificial death of Christ. I find that the physical Bride of the Bride Israel is again the Virgin Mary because she fits the plan. The marriage is similar to the first Adam’s marriage twice to the same first Eve. The Virgin Mary was there at the Wedding Celebration Feast. She is Jewish and complied with the Jewish tradition even in circumcising Jesus as a child. Certainly, as a virgin Jewish woman, the old High priests and priests would officiate her wedding. Furthermore, since Christ and She have each other’s Genetic flesh, certainly if one dies, the other just about similarly dies and if one suffers, the other just about equally would suffer. Note, that the Bride virgin Mary in her motherly role was foretold by Simeon in the Holy Temple that a sword would pierce her heart which signifies a passionate and suffering death with her son and future Groom as stated in Luke 2:34-35,
Then Simeon blessed them and said to his mother Mary, “This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be opposed so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed—and a sword will pierce your own soul too.”
Additionally, the Virgin Mary cannot die physically because no earthly priest has been given the authority to allow death of Her who had no original sin. But since Her genetic flesh is also with her son and Groom who would die, She certainly physically and spiritually died with Him likewise, although it certainly was not an identical death. The Virgin Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and protected from any sin because she was going to bring forth a son without sin. Nevertheless, she still could represent Israel and because Christ the Groom is also sinless; for her alone to stand as Israel the Bride forever to the Holy Groom would be perfectly logical. Luke 1:46-55 gives her description of Israel and she humbly describes herself as needing Christ’s salvation even though she had been overshadowed by the Holy Spirit to be without sin. She was to birth His Holy and sinless Son and in the Death Wedding Feast She represents as well the Permanent Bride Israel. Thus, the old marriage of death is completely satisfied and fulfilled and the old Jewish priesthood is also fulfilled in marrying the Groom Christ to Israel the People of God represented by the Bride Virgin Mary.