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St. Paul in 1 Timothy 2:14 clearly agree that Adam actually was not deceived as stated, “And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.” Adam specifically and Eve indirectly (although limited, but due to her permanently physical Genetic presence in Adam's one flesh is certainly included), through their heroic choice and unquestioned commitment, obeyed the Creator’s design to permanently keep the one flesh and create offspring to share in their happiness living with the Creator. However, as discussed, Adam and Eve encountered an unexpected tough choice that made them voluntarily earn labor and death by disobeying the Creator’s commandment rather than disobeying the Creator’s design. It was truly an incredible choice and Adam passed the test with excellence. Indeed, what the Creator says and designs must be obeyed and the consequences would manifest exactly as the Creator outlined; thus labor and death was inherited by Adam, Eve and every offspring thereafter. At the same time, the Creator recognized the heroic choice Adam made to uphold and obey the Creator’s Design, even at the price of labor and death.
The Creator abides by ethical, fair and just to perfection; therefore, the Creator must reward Adam, Eve and their offspring with the opportunity to be saved from the punishment of Labor and Death and with the opportunity to inherit what was originally designed − living with the Creator permanently. Adam and Eve made a profound heroic choice of agreeing to lose all the happiness, labor-free and death-free eternal life and physically offering themselves as a sacrifice as a price to pay for their obedience to the Creator’s Design. Likewise, the Creator must offer of Himself a greater choice to redeem Adam, Eve and their offspring. Genesis 3: 15,

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.

The serpent is acknowledged by the Creator as the cause of labor and death. The Creator’s words do not state that an offspring would be the Messiah, but when one studies the Bible, finds many supporting references. Furthermore, it is obvious from a logical point of view that the Creator would restore Adam, Eve and the offspring to the original design of living permanently with the Creator. Therefore, the punishment of labor and death must be overcome by no one else except the Creator. The Creator does not require time to think about how to redeem Adam, Eve and the offspring. The Creator cannot promise Adam and Eve that a mere human offspring, for example a prophet, would serve the labor and death sentence in their places, because such a choice lacks the profound greatness Adam chose. The Creator cannot offer a lesser sacrifice, rather a greater one than the sacrifice of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve physically sacrificed themselves for the Creator’s design, thus the Creator is obligated to a sacrifice of greater value. In other words, the offer from the Creator cannot be of lesser value.
Adam and Eve are the first human beings, and as such are considered the father and mother of the human race; they will always have more significant value than any of the human race offspring. Furthermore, as parents they always happily and willingly volunteer to serve any labor and suffering to spare their offspring and would not agree that a mere offspring would be sacrificed to save them. Adam and Eve’s choice for labor and death gave the incredible opportunity for every offspring potentially to win permanent life with the Creator after death. Adam and Eve sacrificed their lives for their offspring and definitely would not accept nor find it ethical, fair and just that a mere human offspring would serve labor and death for them and all the rest of the offspring.
In addition, it would be unethical, unfair, and unjust for the Creator or Adam and Eve to select one of their beloved offspring to serve labor and death in the offspring’s and their places. Such a choice requires determining which one to choose, how many must suffer before the right one is selected, what criteria the chosen has that others do not and why one and not the other. I am certain that if the possibility were raised that a mere human offspring can do the sacrifice, then Adam and Eve would volunteer themselves immediately and unquestionably, because, so as not to delay the end of the unnecessary labor and suffering on their offspring.
Additionally, Adam, Eve and every offspring inherited labor and death. Therefore, choosing a mere human being to sacrifice for the human race is basically doing nothing of higher value since every human race inherits labor and death anyway and it is nothing extraordinary for a mere human to be chosen for labor and death. Choosing a mere human being for the redemption of labor and death is a less sacrifice than when Adam and Eve offered themselves to uphold the Creator’s Design.
Therefore, the Creator must offer nothing but himself for the redemption. Note that offering another creature, for example an angel still is not a greater sacrifice than what Adam and Eve offered. For example, if the Creator offered an angel for the redemption, then the choice of which angel to serve labor and death would be unfair, unethical and unequal; why would one angel, but not the other be punished?
Overcoming labor and death must be accomplished by rising from death, thus no mere human descendant from Adam and Eve can defeat the Creator’s punishment. The Creator’s punishment of labor and death must be inescapable by anyone else for the Creator to be the most powerful Almighty and for His punishments to be taken seriously by everyone without exception. Likewise, an angel cannot rise from death either; for example if God punishes an angel by death, then that punishment becomes meaningless as the angel would turn around and rise after the punishment of death. Therefore, if death commanded by the Creator is overcome by anyone else other than the Creator, then everyone would qualify to be mighty creator, would resist the Creator for any reason and would permanently go unpunished.
Similarly, animal sacrificing by death is only a temporary symbolic gift to the Creator, but does not equal the greater choice Adam and Eve made; additionally, it is not the animal making the choice to sacrifice itself, which makes it less of a choice than Adam and Eve’s.
The Creator promised to defeat the serpent and since the Bible tells us that the serpent was an angel, then punishing the serpent by death becomes meaningless if the serpent can rise after death. Therefore, no mere human being, animal, king, angel, plant or serpent can rise from death on its own accord, thus none can redeem the human race and overcome labor and death. Death is meant to be the ultimate punishment as it contradicts life. Anyone who can overcome death can freely disobey the Creator for eternity and the Creator’s punishment of death becomes meaningless as the offender constantly can rise from death.
Truly, the Creator has not many choices available to deal with this profound situation, similar to the profound situation Adam and Eve faced. Just as Adam and Eve courageously and willingly offered themselves in making the perfect and profound choice; likewise, the Creator made the most perfect and profound choice by offering Himself. Therefore, the Creator’s promised redeemer of choice must be able to rise from death as an essential part of the redeemer’s essence. In addition, the redeemer must equal or exceed Adam’s sacrifice of himself; thus, the Creator must be the redeemer suffering labor and death and then the Creator must be resurrected. The Creator is the only possible choice to rise from death without anyone to raise Him. Note, that defeating death can be accomplished and reserved to no one but the Creator. Therefore, the Creator implies He is sending Himself to defeat labor and death.
However, to live permanently is an essential essence of being the Creator. Therefore, the Creator cannot possibly be punished by labor and death since the Creator’s integral essence is immune to death. Therefore, two possible solutions are left for the Creator in dealing with this profound situation. One possible solution is the Creator’s labor and death becomes mere symbolic enactment just as a motion picture. This is not possible, because it would mean the punishment of labor and death to Adam, Eve and the offspring is symbolic and meaningless. Furthermore, Adam and Eve would simply urge the Creator to get the show on right away and save their offspring from serving any labor and death. The labor and death punishment is clearly expressed by the Creator as permanent Physical and Spiritual, not merely symbolic. Adam, Eve and all offspring have been suffering physical and spiritual labor and death.
Furthermore, the Creator is not interested in Adam and Eve symbolically obeying the Creator’s design of becoming one flesh and symbolically obeying the Creator’s commandment not to eat from the forbidden fruit; rather the Creator expressed his wishes physically by flesh, bones becoming one flesh or as I express it “on a virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh.”
After the profound choice to eat from the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve immediately experienced permanent physical and spiritual changes and felt ashamed and hid themselves – hence the effects were not symbolic. Therefore, it is not possible that the Creator would limit the redemption to himself by symbolically suffering labor and death and symbolically rising and defeating labor and death. Adam upheld the Creator’s permanent and timeless design to the point of willingly choosing physical labor and death. Therefore, the Creator is obligated to save Adam and Eve by offering nothing else and nothing less than Himself physically suffering labor and death. Then He would rise and that would satisfy the Creator’s punishment. Therefore, the Creator would send the Messiah to redeem Adam, Eve and their offspring.
I believe Adam and Eve understood that the woman’s offspring would be the one to defeat the serpent and understood that ”the offspring” referred to the Messiah, the Creator Himself, and not to a mere human. They did not discuss the topic any further with the Creator or volunteer to be the redeemers in place of the offspring, because they understood that neither they nor any of their mere offspring would qualify for the redemption and rise from death. They understood that only the Creator alone would qualify.
Most non-Christians believe that on the final judgment the promised Redeemer (Messiah) will be the Creator judging every offspring that formed beginning with Adam and Eve thus overcoming permanent labor and death. In other words, for the Creator to come into this world, it would be the end of life as we know it. Certainly, that has partial truth to it and most people who believe in the Creator believe that part. If the Creator would come only on final judgment day, then Adam and Eve’s choice for labor and death becomes a labor prison time due to complete disobedience without acknowledging that their heroic choice of self-sacrifice perfectly complies with the Creator’s permanent design. Therefore, the Creator’s design for the husband and wife to become permanently one flesh inseparable becomes meaningless.
Adam and Eve, as the parents of humanity, would have saved all the offspring the harsh thousands of years of labor and death by simply serving their supposed punishment alone without conceiving any offspring; thus, when they died the Creator would have raised them and redeemed their punishment. On the day of their punishment Adam and Eve could have fasted and prayed, crying loud to the Creator to forgive them until they starved to death or a wild beast killed them. This would have forced the end of the world; the Creator would have saved them permanently, thus saving the entire humanity from any harsh labor and death.
Adam and Eve would have shown intense remorse that certainly would have made them lose their sexual desire and appetite over their tragic loss of their most loved one, the Creator who is their Father figure. Consequently, their lives should have been characterized by strong emotional grief to the degree of hastening their death and to the degree of Eve aborting any prior pregnancy. The only thing on Adam and Eve’s mind would have been how to save themselves and regain life with the Creator, thus saving the entire offspring. They would not have even thought of having offspring to serve their sentence of labor and death.
No matter how I tried to justify that scenario of the Creator coming only once at the judgment day, it defies logic and especially defies the Creator’s design for the purpose of life. It makes the Creator’s punishment of labor and death meaningless. The questions of what Adam and Eve would do to overcome labor and death and why they did not satisfy their punishment right away would remain impossible to answer.
If the purpose was to overcome labor and death by fasting, in fact, it would have been better for Adam and Eve to fulfill the Creator’s requirement without having children. Having children and the possibility of disobedient children jeopardizes their ability to meet the Creator’s requirements. Even having Children becomes invalid; although the Creator told them to multiply, they already had broken the Creator’s order. Adam and Eve’s best choice to deal with labor and death, awaiting the supposedly only coming of the Creator on final judgment day, was to pray, fast, cry and burn their days and nights with their tears and screaming, thus speeding their death and judgment day and permanent salvation.
The Creator would not blame them for not having children as He told them, because they were living a life of desperation, alienation, sorrow, depression and emotional breakdown after losing life with the Creator in exchange for the temporary life on earth followed by death. Absolutely nothing in today’s measurement, whether wealth, time, job, education, money, health, talent or position, could be equal in value to the loss of one’s Creator, who is basically our Father. Thus, that scenario of the Creator coming only once on judgment day, is illogical and defies the Creator’s design. The punishment of labor and death becomes temporary and thus the Creator should have stated to Adam if he eats from the tree of knowledge Adam would labor and die temporarily until the Creator decided that the punishment had been satisfied. That possibility defies any logical reasons for why Adam and Eve did not satisfy any possible requirement for perfection rather than busy themselves bringing less qualified offspring.
As I discussed, the only logical possibility is that the Creator’s design of husband and wife to permanently form one flesh was challenged by the cunning serpent and upheld perfectly by Adam specifically and Eve (to a limit included in the one flesh) in a heroic generous sacrifice of themselves. Thus, the Creator must acknowledge their unquestionable obedience to His design; therefore, the Creator must sacrifice Himself by serving the permanent labor and death for all and must rise Himself independently after death.
Furthermore, an integral part of judging Adam, Eve and the offspring becomes based on whether a person upheld the Creator’s original design. Therefore, the Creator’s original design is timeless, perfect, fair, equal, ethical, logical and essential. Therefore, the Creator’s timeless design is absolutely worth Adam, Eve and the offspring choosing labor and death for themselves to uphold that design and worth the sacrifice of the Creator’s profound choice of offering Himself to serve His own punishment of labor and death for everyone since Adam and Eve for eternity.
Therefore, the Creator’s design is truth, un-negotiable, un-compromised, unquestionable and timeless that should hold an integral link and key for anyone regardless of whether he or she wins or loses life with the Creator after death. That is not my opinion, nor my theory but the Creator’s design as the heart, mind and breath of life itself. Thus understanding the Creator’s design in a truthful and logical way and striving to obey and uphold it above anything, remains without a doubt so important from the moment of our privileged opportunity to exist to the final moments of life.
Therefore, the promised Messiah embodies the basic requirements of voluntarily suffering labor and death and thereafter rising from death by His own hand. We also expect the Messiah’s essential message perfectly to comply with the Creator’s design, because the redeemer Messiah is in actuality and can only be the Creator Himself. You see no human being or his or her followers ever died and then returned to assure us that their teachings were perfectly accurate and their faithfully complied followers are assured to win the Ultimate Goal of Life after death – winning the permanent life with the Creator. Therefore, every person with an open mind should seek the truth and follow the design of the Creator during life. Even though mere humans lack the ability to rise after death, that in itself does not make it impossible to understand the truth, nor alter the truth or any opinion or feeling, or change them to truthful and compliant with the Creator’s design.
The truth has basic principles. From the above discussion, even just reading the short part of Genesis chapter two and three, we could extract some profound features of the Creator’s design and the promised redeemer; therefore, we have no excuse for wasting our only living opportunity for ourselves and those we may influence by following opinions that contradict truth. Therefore, understanding the purpose of life as the Creator designed clearly uncovers many distractions, doubts, opinions and rationalizations such as whether a Creator exists, sexuality related issues, the influence of charismatic people whether by their power, beauty, education, wealth or cunning manipulative tactics. 
Indeed, when one knows any game’s original logical design and purpose, one would relax, have fun playing and play to win, unbothered by the non-scoring distractions.
Note, the Ultimate Goal of Life therefore, really relies on few principles and all were revealed and understood at the early moment since Adam and Eve were created; these principles were therefore taught to the offspring from the beginning. A few basic principles can summarize the Creator’s design. We must obey the Creator’s design. Sexual relationships are so profound that they are an essential part of the Creator’s timeless design. The Creator’s design for the human being is that the first sexual relationship between the man and woman creates the profoundly permanent one flesh and on the virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh as I explained. The gift of allowing a virgin Genetic segment of one’s sexual flesh to be permanently altered is greater than any other reward or value and is worthy of sacrificing everything to uphold permanently even if that means choosing labor and death as Adam and Eve courageously and willingly chose.
The Creator acknowledges those who comply with His timeless design when they offer themselves physically by upholding and complying with the Creator’s design. The Creator rewards them by offering Himself physically to redeem them and He rewards them by defeating His own punishment of labor and death by raising them after death to live with Him permanently. We also understand the principle that the Creator must redeem Adam, Eve and the offspring not just symbolically or spiritually, but by physically accepting labor and death; and thereafter, doing what no human being can do − rise after death by himself. These are the basic principals of the Creator’s permanent design of One Flesh between a husband and wife permanently and afterward. Because of labor and death and the profound choice Adam specifically and Eve (included in the one flesh) to give of themselves, the Creator must give Himself suffering labor and death and then defeat it and rise.
In fact, permanently upholding the design of the one flesh between a husband and wife actually is so profound that upholding it forced the Creator to make the second part of saving the human race even against his own punishment of labor and death by offering himself for redemption. Therefore, how one deals with the sexual design absolutely is an essential part of winning or losing life after death with the Creator. Furthermore, sexuality is never about opinions, pleasure, a means to materialistic gains, cultural norms, civil laws, feelings or rationalizations; rather it is a vital part to winning new life during life and especially to winning life after death as judged by the Creator. That is not a matter of opinion or personal choice, but either permanent death or permanent life with the Creator after death. Keeping the one flesh was so profound choice that Adam and Eve sacrificed the life of the best king and queen with the ability to live permanently disease-free, healthy and without labor, pain or suffering. Indeed, nothing can equal or compare to what Adam and Eve enjoyed sacrificing for, except the Creator’s design to uphold their one flesh and sacrifice everything else. That is how serious the Creator’s design is.
The punishment of labor and death is also serious, because it is permanent and so serious that it requires the Creator Himself and no one else to suffer labor and death and then rise to defeat the punishment. Fornication or adultery is in direct opposition not only to the innocent spouse, but also to the Creator’s design. It must be a serious offense when one considers the serious choice and sacrifice Adam and Eve had to consider when they volunteered risking labor and death, yet upheld the Creator’s design of permanent one flesh. Once I understood that, the purpose of life and the puzzle began to unfold as everything was falling in place logically and scientifically in the Judeo-Christian Biblical evidence.
The basic understanding of the permanent physical spousal one flesh is not based on my opinion as someone who is superior to someone else or on my claim to be right and others wrong. It is based on understanding the Creator’s timeless design; whether one chooses to obey or not is beside the point and does not change the timeless design, but only deceives. The basic understanding of the spousal one flesh is that giving of oneself physically during the sexual relationship is a profound choice that results in one flesh physically and permanently. Overcoming that permanent physical change cannot be accomplished by a human being, and it is against the Creator’s design to undue. 
Therefore, when a partner cheats the permanent sexual relationship by committing fornication or adultery in exchange for money, a ride in an expensive car, flirting words, a meal in a restaurant, or for someone younger, prettier, taller, thinner or stronger, one can never equal nor undue the permanent gift of oneself – one’s own permanent virgin Genetic segment of the sexual flesh alteration to form the spousal one flesh. It is not based on a fashion, stereotype, court opinion, fad, media influence or freedom of choice; rather because of the Creator’s timeless design it must be upheld for eternity.
We know the existence of the serpent; its existence must be the result of disobeying some part of the Creator’s design to deserve the punishment of being a serpent. It is clear that disobeying the Creator’s design carries serious consequences that may be permanent. It would be disastrous to take a chance to break the Creator’s design because of a certain political affiliation, nationalistic allegiance, famous person’s influence, peer pressure or the temporary enjoyment of any materialistic gain, money, job or fantasy. Remember our parents Adam and Eve had much more than anyone can possibly accomplish, gain or lose, yet chose labor and death rather than disobeying the Creator.