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Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob gave all their wealth just shortly before they died. Abraham gave all his most valuable treasures and leadership to his chosen son Isaac, “Now Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac; but to the sons of his concubines, Abraham gave gifts while he was still living, and sent them away from his son Isaac eastward, to the land of the east.” (Genesis 25: 5-6). After the death of Abraham, the chosen son Isaac was additionally blessed by God the Father by what appears to be the same blessing that God blessed Abraham, “It came about after the death of Abraham, that God blessed his son Isaac” (Genesis 25: 11). Esau, the older son of Isaac is the right to the heir by birth, but when caught in weakness and extremely hungry for immediate gratification, lost understanding of the value of the inheritance that should be held on dearly, opted to swear his presumed inheritance to his younger brother Jacob, “Then Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew; and he ate and drank, and rose and went on his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.” (Genesis 25: 34).

However, the inheritance is not official until the father Isaac blessed the heir before his death and handed the inheritance over, “and prepare a savory dish for me such as I love, and bring it to me that I may eat, so that my soul may bless you before I die.” (Genesis 27: 4). Again, shortly before Isaac’s death, he gave all his blessings and inheritance to his son Jacob during an intimate dinner. Isaac explained to the bitter Esau that such blessing and inheritance is not reversible, “Behold, I have made him your master, and all his relatives I have given to him as servants; and with grain and new wine I have sustained him. Now as for you then, what can I do, my son?” (Genesis 27: 37). Jacob, who is named by God Israel, collected his strength shortly before his death and blessed his son Joseph as the heir, “When it was told to Jacob, “Behold, your son Joseph has come to you,” Israel collected his strength and sat up in the bed.” (Genesis 48:2). Furthermore, Israel blessed one grandson who would thereafter become the holder of the blessing and treasure of the heir Joseph. Although Joseph became displeased and tried to place the right hand of Israel on the head of the older son to be blessed instead, Israel refused and blessed the younger son who would become much greater, “But his father refused and said, “I know, my son, I know; he also will become a people and he also will be great. However, his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations.” (Genesis 48: 19).

God is communicating here that such blessing must be highly valued and guarded above anything else and it is not achieved merely by personal effort and declaration. In other words, and as we would further discuss, once the heir leaves the union with the one person who handed down the blessing, the inheritance is cheapened. An inheritance that relies solely on personal studies and Scriptural interpretation is good, but is insufficient to will the treasure and blessing to oneself when lacking the union with the actual successor of the heir and blessing. Again, the reason, as we will further discuss, is that God is designing one linked and bonded family that is linked in a chain from God to every member to function as one family in mind and strength and heart.

Likewise, today most fathers would gather his children and shortly before death give them his accumulated wealth. Later when the father is dragged to the hospital, suffering needlessly and saying his last words, is not the day for the family’s intimate meeting. The earlier prior intimate family meeting that distributed the inheritance is the official public meeting. The day of the father’s death the prior agreed inheritance distribution becomes official, exactly as willed. This is a very important point to understand as it is crucial to understand the Creator’s design for the salvation plan. The father meets with the children earlier than his day of death, as most may not know the exact day and hour of their death. Christ who is God incarnate knew the exact day and hour of His death, and thus had an intimate family meeting the night before. However, in Christ’s case, because He was young, His Apostles (who are His intimate Children since He is the Father God), were surprised and did not immediately clearly understand all that He was willing to them. Christ who, is called the Shepherd and Holder of the Keys of Heaven and Earth, the Lamb, the Grapevine, and the Water of Life and the Bread of Life that came from Heaven, precisely gave His treasure (which includes all of those things - Shepherd and Holder of the Keys of Heaven and Earth, His Flesh as an edible Lamb, His Baptismal Water of Life, His Bread of Life and the Vine of Life which is His Blood) to His intimate heirs – to his children.

Let’s ponder the analogy of an earthly father who has vineyards, lambs, a kingdom of twelve children, seventy-two grandchildren, a thousand great-grand children, and who is soon to die. The earthly father cannot possibly call all the thousands of family members into his living room over supper to give them his wealth as that would be a chaotic meeting with crying children and those who throw tantrums. Moreover, as the father sees it, at the time of willing his inheritance, not every member of the large family is suitable, in terms of wisdom and trustworthiness, to carry out the father's inherited treasure in a suitable manner as the father sees it. Therefore, the earthly father would call only his personally trained and supervised sons and distribute his wealth.

I stated sons and not sons and daughters because of specific inheriting traditions. I came from a small village in Syria where all the inhabitants are Melkite Catholic, part of the Roman Catholic Antioch Church and that dates to the early preaching of Saint Paul in Saudi Arabia where the original family lived until about 700 A.D. Thereafter, persecution of their religion forced the family to migrate rather than to convert or become subservient and pay ongoing fines. They settled in the deserted part of Syria. This Kurait tribe was one large family and later some children became known by their grandfather's names. Therefore, in this village there are several family names, but all are related and came from the Kurait family. They managed to maintain the entire village as Catholic by precisely controlling inheritance. Before dying, the fathers met with the sons and distributed the wealth. The daughters were given part of the inheritance, but seldom were given any land or home in the village unless they married someone from the village. Likewise, the daughters would inherit lands and homes when their husbands inherited them from the husbands' family and would be within the village if married from within the village. It is not discrimination, but a necessity to guarantee that the village lands remained exclusively within the family and to guarantee that its total inhabitants are Catholic. As such, as far as I know, sales of any home and land in the village is exclusively to family surnames from within the village. Before his death, my grandfather gave his daughters real-estate outside the village. But he exclusively gave the lands and any property in the village to his three sons, although the village lands were worth very little money in comparison to the real-estate my grandfather owned in Damascus that he gave to his daughters.

Therefore, before His death, Christ the Father in His Son of God persona gathered His immediate eye witness hand-selected children (the Apostles) in an intimate genealogically linked one family last supper and handed them His blessing and treasures. In this last intimate Supper, Christ blessed the bread, “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing...Then he took a cup, gave thanks.” (Matthew 26:26-27). This is not a typical blessing of a meal that occurs before eating, but a special blessing of two items on this special supper individually and blessed by the Son of God. When Abraham Blessed Isaac, Isaac became the treasure and took on the roles of Abraham. Likewise, the blessed King Solomon became the treasure and took on the roles of King David. Likewise, when the Son of God (Christ) and Creator of all blessed the bread and wine, this was a rebirth – a “new creation” – bread and wine became literally and divinely the treasure of Christ as asserted by Christ Himself who testified, “this is my Body....for this is my Blood of the covenant” (Matthew 26:26-27). Thus, this is the hidden heavenly treasure not only blessed but transformed into a hidden “New Creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17) – Christ in His sacrificial role and nourishment of eternal life. Likewise, those who partake and prepare the blessed bread and wine are blessed in this special blessing within the one genealogical family. St. Paul who saw and heard the risen Christ testifies of this hidden treasure to be Christ, “The Cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The Bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?” (2 Corinthians 5:16-17).

Christ parented His children, teaching them His timeless design for soul salvation which is the inherited treasure of the Father. Thursday was the day of the last supper with His eyewitnesses and entrusted son under the assigned leadership of Peter as the fatherly son. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob willed their treasures by “Blessed Him” (Genesis 27: 23) that transforms the person and the given substance into most valuable treasure. Not only lands and materials are the treasure, but the son(s) themselves are the recipients of the final blessings. And what the father blesses, likewise the Heavenly Father blesses as well, as He did after the death of Abraham, “After the death of Abraham, God blessed his son Isaac.” (Genesis 25:11). Therefore, the blessing of the Father is powerful and irreversible as demonstrated by the case of Jacob and his objecting brother Esau, who was unable to reverse the blessing to Jacob so that Esau could inherit Jacob's permanent office as the eye-witness father.

Likewise, Christ the Son and the Heavenly Father blessed Peter in a heavenly permanent blessing that made the office of Peter and Peter's decisions and teachings a blessing for eternity, “Jesus said to him in reply, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father.” (Matthew 16:17). Thus, Peter and his office is a blessed father of the Church and an inherited treasure. As earthly humans, our words and faith are not a subject of blessing, rather the subject of blessings are the people and their actions and choices. If I express my gratitude to my father in words or writings, my father does not bless my words and good feelings, but blesses me as a son and blesses my choices, actions, and responses in life. If I thank you and you wish to offer me your blessing, you do not bless my words of “thank you” but you bless me, my actions, and choices of kindness and compassion. Blessing me is blessing my actions and choices, and blessing my actions and choices blesses me as a person and all that I choose to do in life.

The Virgin Mary received a special blessing not for her wonderful faith in God or her words to the Angel, but Mary received a blessing of Her person and all of her actions and children. The Archangel Gabriel acknowledged the blessing already given to her by God the Father, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with You.” (Luke 1:28). Likewise, God in the Holy Spirit persona blessed Mary in the voice of Elizabeth, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” (Luke 1:42). Likewise, Peter received this special treasure that Christ bestowed on Peter's actions, teachings, and choices and Peter bestowed blessings on his one family – an Apostolic Blessing for eternity of eyewitnesses of their eyewitnesses. The Father’s blessing of Peter means a blessing of all in his household who are in union with him and who obey his mission, the mission of Christ who gave the blessing. Abraham blessed Isaac; thus Isaac became the same fatherly figure of Abraham in his capacity, teaching, and role. Likewise, Jacob became one and the same as Isaac in his capacity, role, and teaching. The blessed son Solomon became one and the same a father king as King David in his roles, choices, and capacity.

Therefore, we become Christ when blessed in Baptism as long as we express Christ within us in union with Him in our human responses. And Peter who received the most distinguished blessing became Christ to us in his roles, teaching, and capacity. Likewise Peter's successors become witnesses of eyewitnesses blessed in a special blessing to serve as Christ in their teachings and roles to all the genealogical children of the one family of Christ. Likewise, the Virgin Mary truly becomes the perfected one flesh with Christ and Christ. Likewise, the children of the one family genealogical linked to the Pope become children of the earthly Church; the earthly Church is one union with Mary the Mother, and serves us, the children, as Mary served, loved, nourished, taught, blessed, and raised her child.

Christ and the father of the prodigal son forgave the sorrowful son. The Holy Catholic Church, our earthy one family mother, and our earthy father the Pope and all the priests who are in union with him, become the Father Christ “In Persona Christi.” As the Father Christ, the Holy Catholic Church forgives our confessed transgressions, welcomes us into the Church by allowing us to be born again in Baptism, nourishes and feeds us the food and drink of Christ, teaches and explains to us the hidden treasure they eye witnessed, celebrates and blesses our marriages and children, anoints and strengthens us when we are sick, and remains beside us on our last rite journey before we permanently depart in the hope of a safe final journey and speedy arrival into the sacred hands of our heavenly parents and our brothers and sisters the saints. Thus like faithful grandchildren, we go to our parents the blessed Holy Father and the Mother Catholic Church to receive our needs and portions of the heavenly hidden treasures that Christ entrusted to His children.

Christ wishes to make public the living will that describes the distribution of His treasure and He wishes it to be official in the government courts. That is what Christ did when being judged in the Spiritual Sanhedrin Court of the Old Covenant. He wanted to take notice of the change in the old living will in the government court of the Roman highest officials. The new Covenant Treasure entrusted to the new one family father will become unquestionable as the decision was made not by the eyewitnesses children, but by the owner of the original treasure Himself – God the Father acting in the Persona of Christ. The Old Living Will must be fulfilled first in order to officiate the new living will which was given to the new heirs with the new one family fatherly figure. As we know, this is a very sensitive area that would greatly anger the old one family fatherly figure. When Christ explained the establishment of the new treasure and new one family, frequent heated arguments erupted with the Jew leaders until the argument reached its climax. God, the author of the original old living will covenant for the Jewish, returned in the Persona of Christ and sealed the old covenant from its start to completion. The Jewish leaders of the old living will covenant took Christ in front of the Sanhedrin and showed their anger towards Him when He answered them by the name of God “I AM” replying, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Then Jesus answered, “I AM.” (Mark 14:61-62). The requirement of the one family is to always have only one living fatherly figure. Multiple fatherly figures do not make a true one family genealogically linked, but instead make multiple families which at times could be in conflict or against one other. At the chaotic court, Christ’s declaration of being the original Father in human persona immediately nullified the authority of the high priest fatherly figure as the high-priest cannot have full roles while the Father is alive in humanly figure. Therefore, a conflict of power existed and the high-priest did not relinquish his authority, treasure, and blessing to Christ, “At that the high priest tore his garments and said,...'You have heard the blasphemy.'” (Mark 14:63-64). In this conflict of having two fatherly figures existing in human forms at the same time, one must surrender, die, or be killed. In fact, having multiple fatherly figures alive in one family is rightly blasphemy which the one Jewish family knows well to call “blasphemy”.

This is a vital point to understand, especially for anyone who claims it is acceptable to have multiple fatherly figures over the one family Church of Christ because a fatherly figure in addition to the Pope is Blasphemy – it is an anti-Christ design and is illegitimate. Although the Orthodox are closest to the Catholics, my relatives and friends don’t quite understand my strong stand that it is only possible to have one absolute earthy father expressed in the Holy Catholic Pope. However, my strong stand is because of this vital point that multiple human fathers is a declaration of multiple genealogical families which is anti-Christ's design and is blasphemy. This is not a declaration that the Jewish Rabbis, Pharisees or non-catholics do not love the LORD as much, rather it is an integral part of the design of one genealogical family forming one body in thoughts, heart, and strength. Christ shocked the Jewish one family covenant by declaring Himself the Heavenly Father who gave them the old covenant treasure in the human persona which implies the completion of the old covenant in a sacred seal from the beginning to its end by God.

Another important implication is that personal interpretation by any intelligent or sincere Scripture scholar or worshiper of Christ cannot be made official, legitimate, or holy and cannot fulfill the new covenant one family living will to strip the successive genealogical one father Catholic Pope unless the declarer is Christ Himself in human persona and unless a public official declaration is made as Christ did 2000 years ago. Thus, private personal interpretation of Scripture or a claim of a religion or a separate sect or denomination of Christianity that opposes the teaching and authority of the one family Church father, no matter how convincing or believable or supernaturally inspired, is a heresy as it opposes the timeless design of one family under one earthy fatherly figure. In fact what Christ asserted in the permanence of the new one family Church is a declaration that there is not going to be any subsequent legitimate or authorized new family Church or religion under a new fatherly figure outside the genealogical line of the eye witness of the successors of Peter, “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18).

Again, this is not a declaration that such leaders and followers of anything outside the one family Church (genealogically successive to Peter) lack love of the Creator or deny Christ as the LORD GOD. But they lack understanding and fidelity to the Creator's design. Instead they create their own design based on human influences that lack complete heavenly treasure, authority, and legitimacy.

The Jewish high priest recognized that Christ was completing and sealing the old one family covenant and replacing it. And rather than surrendering his one genealogical father role to Christ, the Jewish high priest elected to fight to keep the old covenant; he convinced the people to remain Jewish and to kill Christ, “it is better for you that one man should die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish.” (John 11:50). Thus, Christ publicly declared completion of the old covenant one family. The Jewish legitimate one family was publicly completed and sealed by His flesh and blood and during the last supper He also sealed the beginning of the new one family covenant by His same Flesh and Blood in the hidden treasure form of Bread and Wine, just as a new member was officially born into the old one Jewish family covenant by the circumcision seal of flesh and blood.

Likewise, a marriage should be sealed between a man and a virgin woman with breaking of flesh and blood as the sign of the formation of a new one family under one father and “the two shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24 and Mark 10:8). Likewise, if another subsequent group wants to be considered legitimate and authorized by the Creator, two conditions must be met. The first condition is that the Creator in His human persona would seal the established new one family by public declaration with the Father of the current legitimate one family, as Christ did at the Sanhedrin and in front of world officials such as Pilate and Caesar. The second condition is that Christ would bless and officially authorize the “new creation” one family and hand them the treasure. These two conditions are basically the foundation requirement for marriage by the Holy Catholic Church – nullity of prior marriage or death of the spouse (old covenant) before blessing a marriage with another person.

Christ attested to fulfill His design of public teaching and revealing of His treasures of the new covenant as stated, “I have spoken publicly to the world. I have always taught in a synagogue or in the temple area where all the Jews gather, and in secret I have said nothing.” (John 18:20). Even the treasure blessing of the bread and wine that took place in the last supper He taught publicly as in John chapter 6, because formation of the one genealogy family requires eyewitnesses, teaching, and testimony of flesh and blood relationship and not written laws, procedures, manuals, education, conditions, and commands. Therefore, studying the Scripture in order to possess authority to interpret the Creator's design independently or in conflict with the one family Father Pope’s teaching and authority will never lead to understanding the fullness of truth and will never lead to the authority that the interpretations are God's truth. Yet, we are all encouraged to read the Scripture daily and reflect on them in the light of the Church’s teaching and guidance which becomes enlightenment and enrichment to our relationship with Christ. Thereafter, it is possible for us to accurately contribute to the Body of Christ.

I am not aware of any group or believers outside the one Holy Catholic Church who oppose the teaching and or authority of the Pope and can declare the legitimacy and authority of their one genealogical family and father (s) while meeting the two discussed conditions. God completes what He begins and seals it from start to finish, rather than beginning a new project without legitimately and publicly seal the prior project, “since He is not the God of disorder but of Peace.” (1Corinthians 14:33). Therefore, Christ shed His sacred flesh and blood, publicly sealing the old covenant permanently and handing over the new one family covenant.

Yet, one more vital treasure was willed to us. It was not required to be revealed in an intimate supper with His new one family sons; it was given to His new one family in the one Mother, His Holy Mother standing at the foot of the cross, “'Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, 'Behold, your mother.'” (John 19:26-27). Thus, the Creator’s incredible design allows us “a new Creation”—to be born again in Baptism into the one biological family under one adopted earthly father – to live and breathe one thought, one desire, and one strength by the Holy Spirit of God, born of one Virgin Mother Mary who is now in Heaven. We are nurtured, taught, celebrated, forgiven, and guided by one Church our earthy Mother, and we joyously hope to gather together in Heaven to celebrate with our one Holy God, our Abba “the wedding feast of the Lamb.” (Revelations 19:9).

And missing any one treasure, whether the adopted Father Pope authority, or the Virgin Mother Mary, or the one Catholic Church our earthly Mother, or being born-again into Baptism into the one family, or the vital Christening with the Holy Spirit to empower us into “a New Creation,” or growing without any of the Sacraments needed for our nurturing, is a design that is lacking and never fully resembles and reflects the life of Christ in His human persona. It is treachery, deception, and a human design. This is a one biological family design where all her members share both joy and suffering in flesh and blood, “Now since the children share in blood and flesh, He likewise shared in them.” (Hebrews 2:14). Therefore, the ultimate goal of the one family design is to become fully Christ in image and after His likeness, living in Heaven beginning here on Earth.

When I go to the Eucharistic Adoration, I am at the Holy of Holies.