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The Creator’s Design is to form a conjugal family with the parents of the human race as explained in His Blessing, “male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth” (Genesis 1:27-28) and as the Father of the human race explained the Conjugal Covenant “bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh...and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:23 and 25). This conjugal family relationship requires the physical presence of the actual original parties involved and there can be no substitutions. A lawyer, pastor, preacher, king, or prophet cannot stand in the place of the actual parties at the initial blessing covenant ceremony. Adam and Eve saw and communicated with the LORD in His Garden of Eden. After, the initial covenant, one of the primary parties of the covenant sinned and the penalty of death entered the world. Adam and Eve died. But the covenant requires the continual presence of physical parents for the children to keep them united as “one flesh,” to form the one family design. Thus, God blessed and authorized successive fathers to stand one at a time as the invisible God the Father and also as the first Adam -- a design manifested in blessed and authorized Patriarchs, prophets, kings, and high-priests of Israel. In the one family design, Israel represents the original spouse, Eve; as the LORD said “I will betroth you to Me forever.” (Hosea 2:19). And the conjugal covenant was made forever as Christ taught, “What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” (Mark 10:9).

Therefore, no human authority can nullify the original covenant with Israel or start a valid new doctrine, new religion, or denomination unless the original covenant is nullified by God Himself in a physical persona that can be seen. Therefore, for Christ to nullify and seal the original first covenant by shedding of His blood, He must be the original God in human visible flesh – a totally Divine and totally visible human because, the other human spouse in the figure of the High Priest lacks the ability to see the LORD except in human form. Indeed, Christ is totally Divine and totally human. Thus, Christ sealed the first covenant from its beginning to its end as God the original Divine author and Groom. At the same breath, Christ established a new covenant with a new one family and that covenant likewise also required the original visible parties to stand for the conjugal blessing in person, mirroring the first covenant design. Christ in his humanity stood as “the last Adam” (1 Corinthians 15:45) or the new Adam for the new covenant and also as God Himself in visible form. Also, the new covenant requires a spouse, a role the first Eve fulfilled in the Holy Virgin Mary when she stood for the new conjugal blessing ceremony depicted when the Holy Mother stood at the foot of the Cross and the authorized Apostle John witnessed and officiated the new one family Conjugal Feast Mystery. Additionally, just as the first sealed one family covenant, the new one family covenant includes the children in parallel to Genesis 1: 27-28 to make disciples, “make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them.” (Matthew 28:19).

Entering into the first covenant, one needs to be conceived, born, and united in one faith in mind, heart, and will with the authorized Jewish father and in union with the faith of Israel, the one family mother. Likewise, in the last covenant the disciple children ought to be born again forming “a new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17) in a born-again Baptism entering into one faith with the authorized Father Pope and mother Catholic Church who stand as the visible parents of the invisible Heavenly parents. Thus, a claim to null the new covenant and begin another because of differences with the interpretations of the Pope or the Catholic Church is deadly dangerous. Because only God, the original visible author of the one family conjugal covenant, must be the one in visual persona to seal it in His blood and start a new covenant as Christ did and it must be done publicly.

Another important issue is that we the children are disciples and must mirror the family we were born again and made “a new Creation” meaning “Be Perfect” (Matthew 5: 48). There is no other way around it. Our Father is Holy, our Mother Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and made Holy and Holiness makes Holy and Perfect disciple children and “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14) comes from Light. Even before Christ, while the children were born into the original sin, all were commanded to “Be Holy” (Leviticus 20:26).

Alas, it took me awhile to figure out the Creator’s Design. But luckily for all of us, we have heavenly help in the Sacrament of reconciliation, frequent weekly Mass celebration, nourishment on heavenly Food and Drink, and the assistance of the Holy Spirit speaking and guiding us in one faith tongue. So let’s take full advantage of all the treasure our parents are entrusted to gift us.

We are not just a new body with Christ, but a new member of a special One Family!