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To abide by the Creator's Design transcends adherence to any particular religion or set of rules. It is about embodying principles of fairness, justice, ethics, and freedom of choice—the freedom to understand the ultimate goal of life and to honor, thank, and pay homage to the Wisdom that created life, including our own. The Creator’s Design is embodied in Wisdom, Freedom, and Life. It represents a life journey drawn toward the source of the bright Light that illuminates our path, guiding us to overcome the inevitable death that awaits and to transition into the eternal life we deeply yearn for. The Creator’s Design is logical, discernible through reflection on observed evidence, and was fulfilled by Christ, who must be the Creator, as only the source of eternal Life can overcome permanent death.
Adherents to the Creator’s Design are known as “Followers of the Way”—not because of man-made rules, but because they navigate their earthly existence aiming to reach the gateway to eternal Life. They are called Christians, not merely as a religious label, but in recognition of the path trodden by the Creator, who bore the Cross to offer Himself sacrificially, enabling everyone the opportunity to aspire to eternal Life. These faithful are also referred to as “Catholic,” not to denote a sect within Christianity, but to signify the universal nature of the Creator’s gift and sacrificial offering, which transcends the capital punishment of death for all humanity—from the original parents to future generations yet unborn—thereby unifying all as one universal family under one parent. They are termed the children of the Father, not because the Creator physically fathered humans, but because those who stand to inherit a precious legacy are rightly called faithful children of the familial treasure—and eternal life is the most magnificent treasure imaginable. Some may be called Orthodox, not to label specific dogmas, but because they hunger to adhere steadfastly to the timeless, unmodified Design of the Creator. Others might be labeled Protestants, a term that transcends specific doctrines here, referring instead to those who embody the essence of protest—resisting any earthly powers and rulers that contravene the Creator’s Design. True power, whether held by priests, kings, or secular authorities, should resonate with the essence of the Creator as the All-Powerful and Just Ruler. Conversely, any power tainted by injustice is driven by the ephemeral desires of greed and pride, ensnared by sensual cravings for dominance that ultimately mislead both the wielders of such power and those seduced by its illusory strength, leading to mutual destruction.
Perhaps today, the Creator is subtly reaching out to you, whispering into your ear, tapping gently on your heart, granting you the liberty to ponder and possibly embrace the Creator’s Design. You might resist, content with your current stature, yet be assured of the Creator’s enduring love, which persists tirelessly until the end of our earthly sojourn. Remember, we are not merely neighbors or distant relatives positioned to inflict harm; we are siblings from the same progenitors, reaching out to you with offers of peace, friendship, honor, and respect. So, let not your heart be hardened.
The most powerful countries in the world, in terms of wealth, power, technology, or education, do not inherently attract migration if they lack the essence of the Creator’s principles: equal justice for all, freedom of choice, the liberty to express one's views without censorship, and a clean environment free from hidden poisons in food, drink, and weather, and are not rife with crime. True adherence to the Creator’s Design does not depend on a name or label, nor does it involve concealing harm, legalizing robbery and theft, or justifying the poisoning of essential resources under the guise of legal or political expediency.
Rather, living according to the Creator's Design means journeying through life with the Creator as a coach, observing even our hidden actions to encourage us to live fully, disciplined, and lovingly. To live true to who we are is to live in accordance with how we were designed and created: to make choices and respond in ways that are wise, just, logical, purposeful, loving, and honor both our Creator and our siblings. It is expected that those who act contrary to the essence of the Creator—driven by greed, envy, censorship, and a disregard for the sanctity of natural life—will increasingly manifest violence, hatred, and a desire to control and abuse those who more faithfully adhere to the Creator’s Design. Conversely, the stronger the opposition faced by those who abide by the Creator’s Design, the more intense their adversaries’ animosity towards the Creator becomes.
Consider permanent death as an inescapable pandemic affecting everyone from the original parents to every current and future sibling. In this metaphor, every faith, viewpoint, or religion proposes a major surgical operation to overcome this existential disease. However, the challenge lies in the procedure itself: each patient must undergo anesthesia, followed by a recovery period where they, in a helpless state, await the verdict—success indicating eternal life or failure leading to permanent death. This period of induced sleep symbolizes our earthly demise, and the ultimate outcome of the surgical intervention can only be assessed post-recovery, underscoring the principles of justice and the preservation of free choice regarding which treatment to pursue. Revealing the outcome before anesthesia would compromise free choice, as it would compel everyone to select the evidently successful treatment.
Initially, the choice of "surgical treatment" was straightforward, represented by either aligning with the Creator (symbolizing eternal life) or choosing disobedience (leading to permanent death). Over time, however, the options have multiplied, with each individual potentially endorsing the original choices or proposing new ones. Importantly, if humans were endowed by the Creator with free choice, it follows that no individual should be harmed or killed for making a different choice during their earthly life. Instead, peaceful discourse should be encouraged, aligning with the Creator’s gift of free will. Coercive measures imply that the enforcer believes themselves to be wiser and more powerful than the Creator.
Moreover, since the final outcome of any "surgical treatment" can only be definitively known post-recovery, enforcing a particular treatment is perilous; a wrong choice, if mandated, could lead to widespread disaster. Even if a coerced treatment proves correct, the method of enforcement undermines the legitimacy of the reward, as it predetermines both the choice and its outcome, thus usurping the Creator’s role as judge.
Moreover, if you aggressively defend a faith or religion—believing in it so strongly that you resort to harming, killing, silencing critics, and forcing others into submission—your actions, though perhaps motivated by profound devotion, ultimately position you as the supreme authority of that faith. This approach not only preempts the "post-surgery" judgment phase, thereby disregarding any potential future repentance among those with whom you disagree, but it also threatens to coerce adherents of your own faith, limiting their future ability to change their views under the threat of receiving similar treatment. Such behavior dangerously elevates humans to a divine status, despite the underlying principle of love for the faith or religion. Resorting to violence against dissenters reveals a disregard for logical discourse and positions the aggressor as a supreme authority, above even the Creator.
This discussion underscores that while it is acceptable to critique opposing beliefs, it is unjustifiable to use violence or coercion as tools of persuasion. Advocacy for or against any belief must be permitted, just as debates over surgical options are normal and should be encouraged to ensure that each person can make the most informed decision possible before "going under anesthesia." Remember, the popularity or defense of a particular "surgical treatment" does not determine its efficacy. A true remedy remains effective regardless of opposition, and a flawed one does not become beneficial no matter how vociferously it is defended. Resorting to violence against dissenters reveals a disregard for logical discourse and positions the aggressor as a supreme authority, above even the Creator.
An essential aspect of adhering to the Creator’s Design is our interpersonal relationships, which serve as a litmus test for our trustworthiness with transient earthly treasures and our fitness to inherit the eternal life. Engaging in deceit, theft, envy, exploitation, abuse, or restricting others' freedom to discuss and make choices, and even killing, are acts of dishonor. They demonstrate untrustworthiness not only towards the vulnerable, like children and the weak, but also towards the essentials of life—food, water, air—and the possessions of others. Conversely, individuals who demonstrate trustworthiness around others' spouses, children, homes, and possessions—showing restraint from stealing, harming, exploiting, or killing—earn great admiration and are deemed worthy of trust not only by their peers but also by the Creator, the source of eternal life. However, individuals who struggle with controlling desires such as greed, sexual exploitation, envy, and pride, yet show humility and wisdom in recognizing these flaws, and the courage to resist and control such destructive impulses, demonstrate a commitment to integrity. Such people wisely avoid situations that might lead them to act regrettably. Moreover, repentance and the willingness to make amends for wrongs committed are powerful expressions of courage and integrity. Imagine a wealthy individual who, driven by greed, exploited others to amass wealth. If this person truly repents, confesses their wrongdoings, seeks forgiveness, and returns what was taken—and perhaps even more—this act of restitution can transform their relationship with those they have wronged. The harmed parties, embodying the Creator’s essence of forgiveness, might even find it within themselves to share a portion of their restored wealth with the repentant individual. Thus, living in accordance with the Creator’s Design is about demonstrating honor, courage, and trustworthiness. It involves not only avoiding acts of dishonor but also actively fostering relationships based on respect, justice, and genuine contrition, where necessary. This ethical conduct aligns with the divine principles and enhances one’s eligibility for the ultimate treasure of eternal life.
Additionally, we have to be alert at all awaken hours to enjoy the important gift we have which is freedom of choice and response. Anything that alters our freedom of choice (even medicine, overdosing on alcohol, marijuana and other drugs) are contrary to our Design with freedom of choice that requires our conscious to make wise choices. Thus quitting such habits is vital. We do not try to become numb to escape our depressions, bad choices, stress as we need to understand that all living life goals do not help us to overcome eternal death, but rather we need the Creator, thus must be alert to hand the Creator our problems, stress and misfortunes as part of our sacrifices. Additionally, we need to be alert about our bad choices that contradicted the Creator’s Design in our relationship with others and with our Creator and make amends as possible to express our realization that all living life goals are eventually useless and unable to help us overcome death. Therefore, it is best we resist gains, happiness, power, pride, hate, envy, jelousy, lust or greed that we followed, desired, enjoyed and wanted that resulted in contradictions to the Creator’s Design. The goal is to embrace the Creator’s Design and willingly make any needed amends as the eternal Life is the greatest treasure of all.
As we navigate our earthly journey, the choices and responses we face can be guided by logic and observed evidence. Reflecting on the divergent paths taken by Eve and Adam—Eve's disobedience and Adam's sacrificial choice under duress—can illuminate our own decisions. Consider a scenario where you occupy a high position in a government or company, using your authority to favor the elite at the public's expense, thereby enriching yourself and securing a comfortable lifestyle. This mirrors Eve's choice, which not only defied the Creator but also risked her union with Adam, potentially severing their ability to produce future descendants if Adam had chosen not to follow her into disobedience.
Like Eve, your past actions, despite bringing power and wealth, represent a betrayal of the Creator and your fellow beings, whom you deemed unworthy of fair protection and a share in the Creator’s gifts, potentially costing you eternal life. If those you've wronged raise their voices—through complaints, legal action, or public exposure—instead of reacting with anger and further harm, recognize these as crucial opportunities for reflection and change. These individuals, though they may be weaker and have suffered under your actions, have bravely risked further retaliation by appealing to justice. Their courage offers you a chance to awaken, repent, and rectify the wrongs committed, transforming your relationship with them and, hopefully, with the Creator.
Such realizations should prompt those in power to reassess their values and the transient nature of earthly gains. History shows us that the treasures amassed by the pharaohs, the wealthy, and the royals eventually decay in their tombs, serving no lasting benefit to those who lived and died for them.
Thus, every circumstance, fortune, or misfortune—whether we have lived in accordance with the Creator’s design or have strayed, treating others as kin or as adversaries—presents us with opportunities to make decisions. These choices can either align us more closely with divine expectations or lead us further astray. They are chances to soften our hearts, to repent, to rectify past misdeeds, and to engage meaningfully with our fellow siblings and our Creator while we still can. This path of repentance and reconciliation can be the bridge back to the Creator’s grace, offering a redemption that aligns with the profound principles of justice and love foundational to our existence.
There is no reward greater than achieving eternal life, which necessitates adherence to the Creator's Design, the fountain of eternal Life!