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Understanding the old one genealogical family reveals the new one genealogical family. We notice that God revealed His one family design in designing the one human father, Adam, in a genealogical family lineage that is sealed on both sides by God the Father and God the Son. And the family is guided by the spirit of God. This one genealogical family design is revealed in Matthew chapter 1 that lists the one lineage of Christ on the side of His adopted father Joseph. Luke Chapter three lists the genealogy of Christ with a slight difference because on close observation it is his mother Mary's genealogy. These two genealogies are not separate and opposing because they abide and submit to the earthly one lineage fathers and share one interpretation of Scripture.

To have a family genealogy we need a mother and she is Eve. The incredible part is that although genealogy requires an earthly Mother Eve, she is not created from mud to form a second earthly lineage to God, but she is created from Adam. If Eve would have been in a separate line from Adam, then we would have two genealogical lineages that only unite in God. But now the genealogy unites in Adam (the earthly father) and is sealed by God on both ends. Thus, God sealed His old Covenant with man in a timeless design. The old Covenant starts with God the Father, then the human man Adam (the earthly one father), and then it is sealed with Christ, who is the Heavenly God. The incredible design of the genealogical old covenant lineage is a singular family. Although the family requires an earthly mother Eve, she is not made of a separate line from mud as Adam, but from the same singular lineage of Adam. Another and even more astounding design of the old Covenant is that even the end highlights a singular line having the God incarnate Christ being born of a human virgin mother Mary. Thus, it is so vital for the Creator to have the Covenant design as a singular family genealogy sealed by God on both ends.

The new genealogical family covenant mirrors the old one family genealogical Covenant because such a design is godly, perfect, and timeless. It begins with God the Son incarnate, then a singular human (father Peter), followed by the Apostles of the old covenant. It maintains one link to the father Peter, who is called our Holy Father the Pope, and ends with a singular earthly Pope and at the end of time it will be sealed by God the Heavenly Father. Thus, the Pope is not a bishop among equals nor a man-made design, but is the essential earthly father in a design of a singular one bonded family linked together in one genealogical lineage to form the one new Covenant. However, this new Covenant requires a new birth into this new one bonded family. A new birth is complicated because it requires first a death of the earthly birth. We do not believe in the non-Christian incarnation after the earthly death. Christ showed us the Christian incarnation rising at the same earthly age at the time of death and only by a special intervention and permission from God. This special permission is a unique union with Christ in His earthly death and Resurrection. We rise in His Resurrection to continue the earthly life we began, but in total with Christ. In other words, this Christian incarnation into a new birth into the new one bonded family Covenant begins with the Christian Baptism.

Note, that as baptized Christians we appear the same as any non-baptized human. We are created in the image of God, yet we are no longer exactly the same old self because that first birth died mysteriously and so quickly that most of us did not notice it except for the obvious symbolic Baptism. However, as a born-again Christian, we are now “a new creation: the old things have passed away” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Incredible indeed, that in the Christian Baptism, we are a new creation in union with Christ, but without losing our free choice in life to reject this union with Christ. Rejecting the union with Christ would be a death that begins on earth even while a person still appears to be alive and if the rejections persisted unrepented it would lead to permanent death. Thus, a separation from Christ, whether before Baptism and especially after Baptism, by our free choice or choices by our stewards, is death even though we appear to be living. We would be blind though we appear to see, deaf though we appear to hear, poor though we appear to prosper, failed though we appear to be succeeding, distressed though we appear to be at peace, and hopeless though we appear to be joyful. As Christ taught, “Do you have eyes and not see, ears and not hear? And do you not remember” (Mark 8:18) and stated, “Let the dead bury their dead.” (Luke 9:60).

Furthermore, the new one family Covenant requires us to have a new mother of our “new Creation” (union with Christ) and thus we have the same mother of Christ, Mary, whom Christ gave to us on His Cross stating, “'Woman, behold, your son'… 'Behold, your mother.'” (John 19: 26-27). Thus, beside the Pope who is the one lineage earthly Holy Father of our new one Covenant Family, we must have one earthly mother Mary who is the mother of our new creation because she is rightly the mother of Christ and the baptized union with Christ. Christ is God; He existed before His earthly incarnation. That incredibly mirrors our Christian new birth – we existed on earth before our new Baptism similar to Christ taking on a new flesh. However, our existence differs in that we are limited to our earthly existence since conception while Christ existed before all ages. Furthermore, notice the incredible design of the one genealogical family in Christ had one earthly adopted father Joseph and as such we are designed to have only one adopted earthly father who is the Holy Father Pope. Note, that our biological earthly fathers do not create one genealogical family and they are not the true father after our “new Creation” (born again in Baptism). Indeed we have the Heavenly Father because Christ always had the Heavenly Father when Christ was incarnate on earth, but He also had one human adopted father, Joseph, whom we mirror and whom we now have in the Holy Father Pope. At all times while incarnate on earth, Christ had a humanly mother Mary and in like manner while our mother Mary is now in Heaven, at every moment on earth we have the One Holy Catholic Church as our earthly Mother.

Indeed, the Creator's design of the new Covenant mirrors Christ’s life on earth and also mirrors the old Covenant forming one lineage family sealed on both sides by God and Christ. Therefore, it is contrary to the Creator's design and it is merely a human design resulting from Satan’s trickery for any Christian to claim a different church other than the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, the new one genealogical family of our new creation. Furthermore, it is essential for the new Covenant design to have a great earthly relationship with the Holy Pope and the Holy Catholic Church and her Sacred teaching. Otherwise, one is living as the prodigal son who is yet unrepentant. This explanation can be offensive to non-Catholics and difficult to understand. But in order to understand we ought to have “One Faith” (Ephesians 4:5) – belief in the Christ who is God is not enough – for even the demons believe Christ is God and shiver, “You believe that God is one. You do well. Even the demons believe that and tremble.” (James 2: 19). We must have one faith in Christ and in His body and one faith in the one family of the new Covenant, the Catholic Church and Her teaching. And we must put that one faith to work in our choices and responses as the Apostle James stated, “Do you want proof, you ignoramus, that faith without works is useless?” (James 2:20). Surely, a non-Catholic Christian can have great faith in Christ alone and do great work, but a non-Catholic Christian remains lacking because the Creator’s design is thinking and responding not just because of the Creator's Commandments, but totally thinking and choosing the one family union. It is belonging to the one family lineage bond in love feasting and dining on the same meal and being instructed by the one heavenly and earthly father and mother. Thus, the Garden of Eden begins here on earth and every new creation is called to live in a one genealogical family and in the Garden of Eden right now since our Baptism. Therefore, as members of the one bonded family we are not taught by multiple opposing creatures and interpretations, but by the same thoughts and interpretation because the teacher is one, “All your children shall be taught by the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:13). And with humbleness and contrite heart, we should approach the earthly father of the one bonded family just as the Apostles approached Christ so we have one interpretation and one faith, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.” (Matthew 13:36).

The Holy Catholic Church is re-birthing us, teaching us, dressing us, and feeding us the LORD; yet alas, it took me a long time to notice and commit!