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Some years ago, I challenged myself to reflect on the depth of the Creator's Design. By sharing this with you, I hope to encourage you to reflect on the Creator's Design until they are expressed in your flesh, and then to rejoice in your life. Furthermore, I hope the discussion below will help you in your spiritual life and truth seeking. I hope that the Creator warm your heart and help you gravitate to the Creator's truth. Please. Follow along and reflect in spite of my style of writing!

The purpose for this book is to discuss using logic to draw a logical conclusion of the Design and the main purpose of life and death. The discussion will also consider the various scenarios of believing or not believing and why it is essential for everyone to at the least be open to consider the argument as vital consequences will result. My intention is seeking Truth especially governed by logic and obvious extracted evidence to expand our mind and argue this vital topic in as logical as possible and yet as loving as possible.

Unfortunately, in discussing any topic it would challenge personal held and committed prior beliefs and opinions. As would be expected, if the argument happened to agree with the receiver's prior belief and opinion, it would be easily receptive, open to comprehend it, easier to follow the presentation and embrace its conclusion. However, obviously the main concern would be the receivers whose prior belief, faith and opinion fall on various degrees of disagreement with the presented arguments. Therefore, I am going to be as considerate as possible to those with opposing views, opinion and faith as they are one of the main reason that prompted me to write. A third entity that I am concern about is the Creator as the Ultimate Truth and Judge whom I must consider to adhere to the Creator's Design and Logic as ultimately the Creator is the Divine Judge and the author of the Creator's Design that I am attempting to to try to slightly understand unadulterated and logically. I am explaining the argument relying on logic and extracted evidence.

Those who hold a belief, opinion and faith opposing to my argument I encourage you to be patient reading my argument, but in the hope with unhardened hearts. I assure you that I am a seeker of Truth and disregard to my personal opinion. Note, I am arguing a Design that was not designed or envisioned by myself and therefore I consider myself on the side line . In other words, regardless of how much the Designer happened to disagree with mine or your view, opinion and belief or how much the Design is reflected on, understood, attacked, explained truly or falsely whether intentional or unintentional, it does not change what the Designer had designed or the Ultimate Goal of the Design. Keeping that point in mind, I find it crucial and beneficial that you, I, those who agree and those who disagree to actually reflect, meditate, discuss and try to understand the Creator's Design regardless of whether one chooses to change their prior opinion and belief. Certainly if your current view, faith and opinion totally reject and disagree with my explanation, and even if I was sincere and committed to my faith, but what gain one can possibly achieve if the view, belief and faith where sincerely held yet false. A false opinion, view and faith even when the person or the tribe or the entire world is committed to embrace it, unfortunately untruth remains untruth whether one person or billions believe it and whether authorities insists it or influencers believe it or powerful elites market it, yet the Creator Design will not be persuaded to alter its plan. In other words, being open to discussion and reflection on the Creator's Design logically and truthfully is best approach. Once the Design is understood, it would still be the receiver free will to embrace it or insist on the old belief as it is a choice. But, preventing others from even freely discussing the Creator design because it may disagree with some receivers or hurt one's prior view, opinion and faith is an intentional fear of Truth and an unjust control; of freedom to contemplate, meditate and observe the Design we observe.

I find that those who explain their view, faith and belief freely show sincerity and care and respect to other humans as it is a sign of love and being a caring human. We share a meal, joy, discussions, faith, belief, opinions usually with those who we love. In other words, I consider it generous and loving to share what I know as someone who care and enjoy the company and listening to others regardless of their thoughts and knowledge. If I am wrong, it becomes important for me to discuss it with the receiver so I can be assisted on my journey in Life. And if my explanation is right but contradict your belief, view or point, still it is important that I shared my view. After all, the chance we have to figure the Creator's Design truthfully is limited to our life here and if we adopt an erroneous view, faith and belief during life the consequences could be severely negative or even crucially lethal to the ultimate Goal and outcome. Therefore, let's discuss now with open mind and share thoughts while we are alive rather than after it is too late and we uncover there is no possibility of correction or redemption. This is why the freedom to discuss must be valued and embraced by all as it is one's only chance to understand it now while we are alive on this earth and have no time to waste.

One cannot know intimately the Creator by looking for the Creator, but by living for the Creator! One cannot deceive the Creator, nor the enemy but only oneself.