I find the evidence exciting, yet expected, wise and logical. Genesis 2: 18 reads, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.” I find the precise use of the word “suitable” striking. The use of the word “suitable” in Genesis is striking to me in that I find it points to harmonious compatibility without rejection on the physical level. I refer to the practice of having multiple sexual partners as being somewhat similar to an organ transplant where the body recognizes foreign body, resists and fights against them. However, I referred to the first sexual relationship between a man and a woman as producing an alteration of a virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh to form the conjugal bond in a harmonious compatible way somewhat similar to the physical body alteration of the offspring.
I furthermore find that compatibility refers to body compatibility and not necessarily to age, hobbies, and education or socioeconomic status. I noticed later that Eve made a non-compatible choice of disobeying the rules and so that word “suitable” refers not only to compatibility of sexual organs, but also to compatibility of the partner’s virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh so that rejection does not occur.
Genesis 2: 21-22 reads,
So the LORD God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep, he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man.
I find that the Creator performed the first medical surgery ever recorded. Here we notice the man falling asleep in a way similar to being under anesthesia. Cutting and removing a rib and sealing the surgical site with flesh is what today we refer to as an organ transplant from the donor Adam to the recipient Eve. We know that the Genetic flesh of each person differs from another, and therefore, we can logically assume that the Genetic flesh of Adam differs from the flesh of Eve. (Otherwise, the parents’ identical Genetic flesh would end up producing identical Genetic flesh children and the entire world today would have identical Genetic flesh; however, that is not the case.) The organ transplant surgery performed from Adam to Eve resulted in perfect compatibility without Genetic rejection and this implies that obviously a specific virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh must be made compatible to prevent rejection.
In other words, I find that Genesis 2: 21-22 resemble an organ transplant without rejection, and at the same time produced a slightly different body Genetic makeup for Eve as evidenced by the varieties of the Genetic flesh of the offspring. Therefore, the words “suitable partner” in verse 18, and what appears to be the first organ transplant surgery under general anesthesia in verses 21-22, both logically must imply that somehow the body of Adam and Eve was altered to be compatible and harmonious yet keeping the integrity of each different Genetic makeup.
In Genesis 2: 23-25 Adam understands the depth of the Creator’s design.
The man said: “This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called ‘woman’ for out of ‘her man’ this one has been taken.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame.
I could jump up and down shouting, “Yes, and yes one flesh physically all the way to a virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh.” Some may counter that conclusion and claim the “Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” applies only to spirituality. Earlier I discussed the evidence that the Creator described in detail what appears to be an organ transplant surgery under general anesthesia to create a “suitable partner” who must be compatible physically even though each partner has a distinguishable and unique body makeup. It is exciting to note that Adam expressed his understanding of the outcome of a “suitable partner” who is compatible on the physical level by his particular use of the words “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” The words “My bones….my flesh” are to me another way of saying my segment of the Genetic Code (a virgin Genetic segment of the sexual body) altered to be compatible without rejection.
Verse 24 provides further evidence stating, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and the two of them become one flesh.” Especially in old times, families lived in very close proximity to each other for support and protection. Today, children leave the house of the parents not necessarily for marriage, but also to seek college or work. Other children, because of economic hardship, cannot leave the house of their parents even after marriage. In other cases, the children move back with the parents to care for the parents, especially when the parents grow old. So, I don’t find that verse 24 necessarily implies leaving the physical residence of their parents, because that was not always the case in the past and is not always the case today.
I find Genesis verse 24 to be a continuation of the Creator’s design to the same depth of understanding as Adam exclaimed, “the two of them become one.” Therefore, I find that “leaving his father and mother and clings to his wife” does not imply the child leaving the house of the parents, especially when parents are described precisely as “father and mother.” I see in this statement the heart of the inherited offspring’s Genetic of the father and the mother to form a new compatible form of Genetic flesh; this in turn implies the first sexual relationship between a man and woman to form a “suitable partner.” Therefore, the phrase “clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh” indicates the man and wife form compatible physically altered a virgin Genetic segment of their spousal sexual flesh and what was expressed beautifully in verse 24 as “the two of them become one flesh.” Yes and more yes − one flesh implying all the way to the particular virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh designed precisely to make the two not anymore two but One flesh.
Keep in mind that the Creator or the early human being does not need to use technical terminology that is similar to what we use today. Therefore, the term virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh is what I use today, but the Creator or Adam may express the same idea by stating, “Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” In fact, I find that the expression Adam used carries more descriptive explanation than Genetic body. If the Creator stated the two of them become one on a virgin Genetic segment of their spousal sexual flesh, obviously there needs to be a lot of prior education to Adam and Eve about the definition of the Genetic Code and that would get too technical. However, the best the Creator has done was to direct their attention to one bone of your bones and flesh of your flesh resulting in their sexual union and the delivery of their offspring.
Although at first glance “the two of them become one flesh” may not seem to imply that the two of them become one body while retaining a separate body, upon further analysis, it must refer in part to the internal virgin Genetic segment becoming one flesh. Certainly, some would argue that Adam was speaking in spiritual terms only. I do not read it to mean “the two become one but only spiritually” or “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh but only spiritually.” In fact, if the two of them become one flesh only spiritually − spiritually one bone and spiritually one flesh − then the precise description of what appears to be the first organ transplant surgery under general anesthesia would not be necessary. If the passage referred to spirituality only, then all would be done spiritually, and certainly, the part that resembles Adam falling under anesthesia-like sleep would not be needed. Likewise, the man leaving his father and mother would be limited to spirituality as well. I find the evidence precisely supportive that the first sexual relationship between a suitable man and a woman alters a designated virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh of each in a harmonious way.
Genesis 2: 25 states, “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame.” The evidence in verse 25 represents the spousal bond; the partners have no shame from each other in anything, because both bodies down to a virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh formed what Adam called “the two of them become one flesh.” A person cannot be ashamed naked in front of his own self or his own reflection in the mirror. Note that the mirror image of a person may not be an exact representation of the person as some mirrors may enlarge the image. Similarly, the external characteristics of each spouse are different because of the part of their offspring’s virgin Genetic flesh that is inherited from each biological parent. However, a virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual body alters to form the spousal one flesh thus forming a “suitable partner” not merely spiritually, but also on the level of the Genetic sexual physical flesh or as expressed in Genesis chapter 2, “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh ….one flesh.”
In Genesis chapter 2, the story of the beginning of humanity, I find evidence supporting the permanent alteration of a virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual body. Specifically, very soon in Genesis chapter 4: 1, when Adam and Eve saw their first child Cain, it was extremely obvious that Cain was the result of the Genetic blending from their sexual relationship, “The man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, ‘I have produced a man with the help of the LORD.’”
This part of Genesis chapter 2 and Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 explains the Creator’s design for the sexual relationship between a man and a woman. The great and precise design requires simple and profound teaching that can be easily understood and that is hard to miss. I find in Adam’s explanation a striking depth of understanding of the Creator’s design. Adam stated “bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh,” emphasizing the flesh, the largest and most obvious organ of the human body. I find the emphasis on the flesh to be clear evidence to the naked eye pointing to clear evidence to the naked eye of the offspring’s Genetic makeup. Obviously, the external flesh of Eve clearly differs from and is separate from the external flesh of Adam genetically and physically. Therefore, I find that “Flesh of your flesh” and the “two of them become one flesh” clearly point to the Genetic makeup of the offspring that will be born in about nine months. In other words, I find the expression “flesh of my flesh” points to the external sign obvious to the naked eye and physically demonstrated in the offspring. Furthermore, the offspring becomes a living mirror in which the two spouses and everyone else sees with their naked eye a reflection how “the two of them become one flesh.”
In addition, “bones of my bones” points to part of the body that is located deeper and less obvious to the naked eye − that is covered and protected by flesh. The flesh covers the bones and indicates to the naked eye the exact shape, size and strength of the bones underneath it. In other words, the obvious offspring referred to in “flesh of my flesh” reflects the strength, shape and size in the spousal Genetic flesh. Therefore, using “flesh of my flesh,” which is obvious to the naked eye, and at the same time emphasizing the deeper part, “bone of my bones,” which is unseen and less obvious to the naked eye, indicates that the part that is obvious to the naked eyes explains the less obvious, more mysterious part that is hidden from the naked eye. The understanding of the part that is obvious to the naked eye would unlock and explain the less obvious, mysterious part that is hidden from the naked eye.
Within nine months, the first sexual relationship between the spouses Adam and Eve produced and cemented the obvious part to the naked eyes in the birth of their first son Cain. Cain and the offspring’s Genetic flesh at the same time explain the less obvious alteration of a virgin Genetic segment of the sexual flesh of Adam and Eve to reflect the “Bone of my bones,” “the two of them become one flesh,” “a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife,” “both naked, yet they felt no shame” and “make a suitable partner.” When I read all that, I jumped up and down shouting that the Creator demonstrated and taught the Sacred design early on with a living example of the best scientific and logical explanation any medical, scientific or logical text book could ever attempt to teach or explain.
The first sexual relationship is demonstrated and explained by “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” and “The two of them become one flesh” which also represent a perfect organ transplant and a perfect harmony. This is a perfect demonstration and teaching of the one body not just verbally or by written words but visually as demonstrated in the flesh of the offspring that mirrors and reflects the deeper and less obvious alteration of a virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh.
Adam could not be saying, “Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” and verse 24 would not be saying, “the two of them become one flesh” to merely indicate that the sexual relationship produces offspring. The offspring where not yet created. Humans and animals use demonstration to teach their offspring in a way that is easily understandable. Therefore, Adam and Eve must have passed the teaching they learned to the offspring verbally and by demonstration. As a result, the day the offspring chose a spouse, the exact same thing Adam and Eve learned should have been passed on to the offspring. Adam and Eve and our ancestors must have passed on the teaching of “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh…… the two of them become one flesh …….and the man and his wife both naked, yet they felt no shame.”
In today’s world of sexually explicit movies commercials, music, clothing, medicine and talk shows, I find the organ transplant choice important. We consider the heart to be the symbol of love; most love songs, flirting and poetry sing of the heart and fantasize about the striking beauty of the eyes and hair. Therefore, in today’s mentality the best choice for an organ transplant would be the Adams’s heart and eyes or hair. Adam, as a wise ancestor, would have done a favor to all the talk shows, romantic movie stars, beauty queen pageants, hair and nail salons and cosmetic surgeries by donating love organs to Eve.
“Flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones” is the organ transplant choice of the creator. I believe the choice of organ transplant further supports and more precisely indicates the magnitude of the teaching lesson to all the offspring. Flesh is the largest and most noticeable organ of the body also symbolizes softness and pliability. The flesh exemplifies the characteristics of being easy to stretch, mold, alter and change. As discussed, I find the flesh symbolizes the externally obvious alteration of a virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh that can be unmistakably and clearly seen in the offspring. At the time, there was no Genetic testing to confirm what science confirmed thousands of years later regarding the offspring’s Genetic makeup. I complement science on the recent marvelous discovery of the Genetic Code and its testing. However, even our illiterate ancestors clearly understood that the offspring carry the Genetic of the biological parents regardless of any further Genetic testing.
The characteristic nature of the flesh as soft and malleable implies that the visual part the flesh symbolizes the offspring. The flesh is soft, stretchable and moldable; it can become further molded and altered just as the offspring’s Genetic can be further altered. In other words, in the future the offspring’s Genetic will be altered after having the first sexual relation under the same circumstances as the parents meaning after having the first sexual relation. Incredible indeed − even the choice of the particular organ out of all the possible choices is precise and wise. Choosing the eyes for example, although they are also obvious and beautiful, clearly or justly would not express the Creator’s precise and profound design.
Notice that the flesh and bone shape the human being. By itself flesh would be flat as a piece of cloth on the floor and would not indicate size, shape, design, characteristics, use, beauty and strength. Bones show strength, stability, shape, size and timelessness. Scientists often discover naturally preserved bones of people or animals from thousands of years ago that tell the shape, size and strength of their original owners. The precise choice of an organ donation of bone further indicates the permanence of the sexual relationship between the man and woman that is designed precisely by the wise Creator.
The ancestors teach this permanence for generations verbally, nonverbally and logically (and I believe scientifically as well) with living and breathing examples using known substances obvious to the naked eyes (such as flesh and bones or the offspring) to teach about the less obvious sexual part that the husband and wife become one flesh. Therefore, just as the offspring on the outside appears to be a separate individual, on the Genetic level the offspring represents the Genetic inherited from the parents − similarly the parents are One in their virgin Genetic segment of their altered spousal sexual flesh. Therefore, the sexual relationship is designed by the Creator to produce a permanent husband and wife possessing a bond as strong as the bone – a bond that should last beyond inescapable death with the potential to last for thousands of years. One obvious alteration of the sexual organ is the permanent removal of the virginity membrane of the woman by the specific man which designed to bond the qualified man and woman by the spirit, their unique Genetic flesh and unique Genetic blood. However, all subsequent relationships are obviously characterized by lack of the unique Genetic bond, unique Genetic blood and possibly the Spirit as well even for the husband in a relationship with a new virgin woman, since he permanently bond his virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh as the physical one flesh given can not be taken back.
The virgin woman can only give her virginity to one man in all the world and can only give it permanently. Once it is given, it cannot be taken back; it is a lifelong gift. That once in a lifetime gift is made of flesh and blood and Genetic matters. A permanent gift of self-offering exchanges herself for a receiver who is free to exchange himself. The receiver of that gift must offer at least an equal gift to the giver. The receiver cannot offer compensations such as money, wealth, or any materialistic or empty promises. Similarly, the man who received the woman's virginity can offer back only his own body for her to take. A gift permanently given or received cannot be taken back until death. In addition, each one of the legitimate spouses permanently carries within their Genetic a blended virgin Genetic segment of both spouse's sexual flesh. Therefore, neither of the legitimate spouses has any of their own self available to offer to any outsiders, no matter whether the spouses separate, divorce or come to love other people and hate each other.
Bones give shape, strength, support and protection to the flesh and outline its beauty. Bones symbolize the biological and permanent parents, while the flesh symbolizes the more obvious part of the Genetic blending as seen in the offspring. The flesh is the closest organ to the bones. Genesis chapter 2 verse 23 states, “This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” The phrase ”this one, at last” implies irreversibility and permanence − enduring for life in good and bad, in sickness and health, in sadness and happiness, in troubles and peace, in nights and days, in winter and summer, in wealth and poverty.
The order of the organs in “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” further implies the depth of the teaching lesson about the incredible and wise Creator’s Design − first the bone followed by the flesh. Indeed that order precisely mirrors the alteration of a virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh of the man and woman; the inherited softer virgin virgin Genetic segment of the spousal sexual flesh changes into the new permanent one flesh (solid and permanent symbolized by the bone organ), and only thereafter is followed by flesh representing the offspring’s Genetic flesh. This is not a mere spiritual teaching and explaining of the incredible Creator’s design. It carefully uses specific organs precisely ordered and logically listed; and finally the incredible design is summarized in the most astonishing fashion by stating, “one flesh.”
Now there is neither questioning nor wondering about how Adam can say one flesh and contradict the visual presence of two separate bodies. No, the teaching is solid; the explanation is simplified to provide a visual living and breathing example to show that the design is timeless; It is communicated, explained, taught, and lived verbally, nonverbally, genetically and in bones and flesh for eternity − one timeless design for everyone that is without the need for future upgrades and patches. It is the most advanced scientific, logical and timeless design taught in the most loving, simplest and natural school of life.
When parents break the cycle of teaching and engage in fornication or adultery, the parents, who should be helpers and stewards, hinder the first and most important lesson ever taught in the Bible in Genesis. The lesson of the design of life becomes too challenging and even impossible to demonstrate or explain in a way that comes to life and is unquestioned by the offspring.
I am amazed at how uncorrupted, honest scientific clues and logical evidence can perfectly agree with properly understood Sacred Scripture. So, do you want a visual proof? That is the best and most striking visual evidence to everyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear.